Thursday, 3 Oct 2024

Brexit betrayal laid bare as shoddy first year graded ‘four out of ten’: ‘Pathetic’

Brexit: David Williamson discusses the fallout of leaving the EU

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After half a decade of political wrangling, the UK formally left the EU on January 31, 2020, with the transition period ending at the end of that year. Brexit had a huge impact on the UK’s vaccine rollout, as the Government was able to jab their way out of Covid restrictions faster than their European counterparts. However, despite the UK having struck trade deals with over 70 countries, critics claim that little progress has been made on garnering the economic benefits of Brexit.

Dr Bull, who is the Deputy Leader of Reform UK, previously known as the Brexit Party, campaigned for the UK to leave the EU.

He accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of failing to take advantage of the “extraordinary” referendum result.

While he does not regret having campaigned and voted for Brexit, Mr Bull graded the UK’s first year outside of the EU “four out of ten” and stressed the country “could do better”.

Speaking to, Dr Bull added: “I think that’s generous. 

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“Has anyone really noticed any difference? No is the honest answer.

“What worries me the most is you’ve got this brigade of Remainers that actually should be called ‘Rejoiners’, like [Andrew] Adonis, [Peter] Mandelson and so on, and actually they are pointing out the fact that there’s no discernable difference at the moment.

“And actually I think they’re right, and all we’ve done by not grasping that nettle is to say, ‘Actually, if there is no discernible difference, we would be better off back in the EU!’”

When asked what Reform UK may have done differently Dr Bull said: “What we should have done is to say, ‘Right, this is where the future begins, we’re now going to slash tax, we’re going to get a flat tax across the board for example. We’re going to slash VAT, we’re doing these trade deals, we’re going to bring in the brightest talent.’

“Then there would be no discussion about going back. But they didn’t do it.”

Dr Bull then revised his Brexit grade to “three-and-a-half”, and said: “A bit like fishing, yes, we’ve reduced the licences by three boats or something. It’s pathetic. 

“I think my report if I was a teacher would be: ‘Could do better!’”

Dr Bull was also deeply critical of the Government’s handling of the Northern Ireland Protocol, branding it “catastrophic”.

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The Protocol, which has essentially created a trade border in the Irish Sea, has disrupted trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dr Bull said: “Taking Northern Ireland out of the United Kingdom and putting an artificial border in the Irish Sea, I think is catastrophic. 

“The whole point about not creating a hard border on the island of Ireland, yes I get that, and the Good Friday Agreement, I get all of that. 

“But essentially the Prime Minister has threatened the integrity of the United Kingdom and I think that’s unforgivable.”

The Reform UK Deputy Leader also criticised the Tories’ broken tax promises and insisted that the cost of living needed to be addressed.

He said: “I think the current Government has just doubled down on where the European Union is. 

“We’re now a high tax, high regulation, low growth economy and you can see that with the fact we’re got inflation rising, National Insurance coming in, our tax bills coming up.

“This isn’t what people voted for.”

He continued: “I don’t think we’ve taken advantage of the extraordinary vote that we had. 

“I maintain to this day it was still the right decision. The largest democratic vote in the United Kingdom I think, and it was extraordinary. 

“The whole point about it was that we became a free and self-governing country where we no longer are held ransom by this ridiculous monolist that is the European Union and that we can decide the rules and the laws that are good for Britain.

“I don’t think we have done that.”

Source: Read Full Article

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