Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Boy, 12, and his grandmother attacked by dog at holiday resort

A 12-year-old boy and his grandmother have been left ‘traumatised’ after being attacked by a dog in a Cornwall resort.

Cheryl May and young Zac had been walking through St Ives Holiday Park when they were approached by the animal.

The dog – thought to be a British bull terrier – ‘went straight’ for the horrified schoolboy.

Cheryl’s daughter Natalie managed to intervene, cut the attack short and run away with Zac.

His trousers had been left ‘ripped to pieces’ and he had bites ‘scattered all under his arm’.

After attacking Zac, the dog then focused on Cheryl.

The grandma told CornwallLive: ‘I ran down to Natalie and she was throwing this dog off and had her body over Zac and she’s only 4ft 10 so where she got that strength from I don’t know.

‘I hit the dog with a stick and I pushed the dog and I went onto the dog and I managed to get him and I said “run Nat, run, run, run” and she ran up to the clubhouse.

‘I was on the floor and it was on my arm and wouldn’t let go.

‘Two ladies were there and they were lovely and were trying to help me. The people who own the dog stood over me with a young boy and whether he made a command to get the dog off… he must have done.’

Cheryl, Zac and Natalie had been on the way to bingo at St Ives Holiday Park when the dog had attacked.

They claim the pet’s owners filmed the family following the incident.

Cheryl, who has arthritis, added: ‘I’ve been in shock for three days and shaking and crying. It was awful, it was like a horror film.

‘I can’t sleep. I’ve been at the hospital to have a bandage done and I’ve got to go to the fracture clinic. I’ve got a massive bruise on my chest. My arms are full of bites, I’ve got antibiotics to take.’

The incident, which took place on February 15, is now being investigated by police.

Two officers had attended the scene after receiving reports two people had been bitten by a dog.

A spokesperson from Devon and Cornwall Police said enquiries were ongoing.

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