Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Boris Johnson urged to ‘come clean’ over what really went on in bust-up with girlfriend

But the Tory leadership frontrunner maintained a determined silence in the face of a growing clamour to explain himself. Liam Fox, a supporter of Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, suggested it would be better for Mr Johnson to speak out to draw a line under the incident. The International Trade Secretary said: “I think it’s always easier to just give an explanation. What we can’t have is it being a distraction from explanations about wider policy and where we go to and when. It is inevitable there is a focus on private lives. That does not concern me. What I am concerned about are the issues.”

Rival candidate Jeremy Hunt said the ex-Cabinet minister should “answer questions on everything”.

While Tory grandee Sir Malcolm Rifkind said dodging questions made it look as if Mr Johnson had “something to hide”.

Penny Mordaunt, who is backing Mr Hunt, said the contest was a choice between “a character or someone with character”.

The Defence Secretary, writing in the Daily Express, suggested Mr Johnson was like a “short-term sugar rush” and warned members against being “seduced” by promises that cannot be delivered.

She added she wanted Mr Hunt to be prime minister because the party needed “someone who can inspire and motivate the whole of the country, and doesn’t alienate voters for no reason”.

Mr Johnson has refused to discuss the incident at the south London flat owned by his girlfriend Carrie Symonds in the early hours of Friday morning, insisting the party faithful did not want “to hear about that kind of thing”.

Mr Johnson has refused to discuss the incident at the south London flat owned by his girlfriend Carrie Symonds in the early hours of Friday morning, insisting the party faithful did not want “to hear about that kind of thing”.

In a recording made by a neighbour, Miss Symonds was heard telling the Tory MP to “get off me” and “get out of my flat”.

Police initially denied they had a record of the row but later said they spoke to all occupants of the address, who were safe and well.

On Saturday night, the neighbour who rang the Metropolitan Police Force, went public to deny suggestions that his recording of the row had been leaked to Left-wing Remainer newspaper The Guardian with political intent.

Tom Penn said the allegations were “bizarre and fictitious” and claimed the row “was loud enough and angry enough that I felt frightened and concerned for the welfare of those involved”.

Mr Johnson’s allies yesterday rallied to his defence and insisted it was a private matter as he kept a low profile.

Tory MP Bob Seely said Mr Johnson was the victim of a “feeble hatchet job”.

Treasury chief Liz Truss said: “I believe it’s a private matter, I don’t think the public is concerned about that.

‘I think Boris is somebody who served for eight years as mayor of London and did a brilliant job. He also served as foreign secretary.

“People know what he’s like in office and that’s what’s important.”

Communities minister Rishi Sunak told Sky News: “The police were called and of course that’s something that people are going to be rightly interested in but then let’s just look at that.

“The police were called to an incident and what did they say?

“They said everybody was safe, everybody was well, there was no concerns that the officers had and there was no cause for any further action.

“Given that’s what the police have said, and it is clearly a private incident, I think we should just leave it at that.”

Mr Hunt and Mr Johnson will face Tory party members again today in a “digital hustings”.

The pair will be helicoptered separately around the UK over the coming weeks as they face questioning by party members.

Mr Hunt, who spent yesterday campaigning in Scotland, visiting Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, said everyone had something they would be “embarrassed” about if it came out but insisted contenders for No 10 must not duck scrutiny.

“I think someone who wants to be prime minister should answer questions on everything,” he said.

“I am not going to comment on Boris’s personal life. That’s for others to make their judgments on.

“What Boris needs to do is engage properly in this leadership debate.

“Not to shy away from the Sky News live debate which is scheduled for Tuesday evening which he’s been invited to. I’ve said I’m willing to go.”

He added: “This is an audition to be the prime minister of the United Kingdom and Boris needs to show that he is prepared to answer difficult questions.”

Former foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind said Mr Johnson had made an “error of judgment”.

“If you are running to become our next prime minister and the police are called to your house you can’t really expect to get away with just ‘no comment’.

“It makes it look as if you have something to hide.”

He added: “The problem that Boris Johnson has is it’s just one of a whole host of issues that have opened up the questions as to whether he has the capability, the personality to handle the job of prime minister.”

Sir Malcolm insisted a colourful private life was not a barrier to become prime minister but Tory members would now be asking if he had the “qualities required for the huge burden” of the job.

“I think the jury’s out,” he said.

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