Thursday, 27 Jun 2024

Boris Johnson 'up and walking' as coronavirus recovery continues

Boris Johnson has been able to walk for a short distance as his recovery from coronavirus continues.

The Prime Minister is back on a ward at St Thomas’ Hospital after being discharged from the intensive care unit where he was being treated for Covid-19.

A Downing Street spokesperson said: ‘The Prime Minister has been able to do short walks, between periods of rest, as part of the care he is receiving to aid his recovery.

‘He has spoken to his doctors and thanks the whole clinical team for the incredible care he has received.

‘His thoughts are with those affected by this terrible disease.’

It comes after he spent three nights in intensive care being treated for symptoms of the coronavirus.

Mr Johnson was again said to be in ‘very good spirits’ after being discharged from the ICU, Downing Street said earlier today.

They said: ‘The Prime Minister is back on a ward and continuing his recovery, which is at an early stage. He continues to be in very good spirits.’

Consultant virologist Dr Chris Smith, from the University of Cambridge, said that when the PM is fit enough to be discharged from hospital, it is likely he will do so with instructions to take it easy for several weeks.

He said that Johnson is likely to be feeling ‘like he’s been hit by several buses’.

Dr Smith added that it takes at least a week to recover for every day that someone has been in intensive care, and advice to patients includes staying active, eating and drinking well, and building up strength gradually.

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