Boris Johnson should be taking time off with his son, regardless of the pandemic
I’m no fan of Boris.
I don’t find his rambling schtick endearing, nor do I feel a stirring in my soul when, like a bargain-bucket Rory Bremner, he attempts to emulate Churchill.
That said, beyond the political hokum, surely Boris Johnson is a person who (like any of us) deserves to be treated with empathy and compassion no matter what office of state we happen to hold?
Just weeks after emerging from intensive care, our prime minister has become a father again. He’s had quite a month.
While it is essential that Johnson should endure scrutiny and criticism regarding his political decisions (especially during this time of national crisis), he deserves better than the negativity recently lobbed in his direction regarding the change in his family situation.
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In a now deleted tweet, Labour MP Ruth Cadbury said: ‘It appears Boris Johnson has just found yet another excuse to miss #PMQs’. Less than 10 minutes later she went on to tweet: ‘So Boris Johnson has a good excuse to miss #PMQs today – congratulations!’
The theme of her former tweet was also taken up by Alastair Campbell, who stated that this is the first of many excuses – albeit a good one – the prime minister will likely make to miss work. It amazes me that today we are still in a place where men engaging in the most basic of parenting roles (being with the child on the day of its birth) are seen as shirking real responsibility.
That children are little more than reasons to take men away from ‘proper’ work, is a toxic argument I’ve heard before. As a stay at home dad, I’ve been accused of ‘taking the easy option’ many times. Being at home with kids is not easy – if lockdown has taught us anything, it’s surely that!
It’s clear to me that the prime minister’s parenting experiences, if what’s reported about his other children is anything to go by, are quite different to my own low-key life as a dad.
Boris, it would seem, isn’t the nappy changing type – I wish I could say the same. Yet, despite our conspicuous differences, I recognised with alarm the negative tropes around fatherhood that emerged this week on the child’s arrival.
Like it or not, Boris Johnson will be a role model for fathers and, as such, it’s vital he is allowed to demonstrate what a transformative life event becoming a dad is
Of course, the unfolding Covid-19 tragedy will undoubtedly mean massive calls upon Boris Johnson’s time. Yet, despite the crisis, implying that a dad (even if he is the prime minister) being with his newborn child is somehow unnecessary or self-indulgent, seriously degrades the role of fatherhood within our society.
Like it or not, Boris Johnson will be a role model for fathers and, as such, it’s vital he is allowed to demonstrate what a transformative life event becoming a dad is (no matter if it’s the first child or not). For too long the stereotype has been that ‘important’ men should become fathers and continue in their professional life without breaking stride; only stopping to hand out cigars.
David Cameron and Tony Blair went some way in showing this view no longer fits when they took paternity leave in office – but with Boris there is a danger of taking a step back.
As a new generation of fathers (like me) understand, parenting is not just something for mothers, with dads providing occasional moral support. It is vital that men are encouraged to engage with their parenting responsibilities without being accused of shirking or incompetence.
Boris wasn’t given this courtesy. Even if he does take paternity leave later in the year, as Downing Street has said he will, it sends the message that fathers’ time with their new babies is not essential.
Like many up and down the country, I’m experiencing the rollercoaster that is Covid-19 lockdown at home with my partner and two young children. During these strange housebound days, I’ve fallen into the routine of half-listening to the Downing Street briefing as I serve dinner to the kids each evening.
Last night, above the screaming at the table, I caught the dulcet tones of the prime minister, back at work just a day after his son was born, and couldn’t help marvel at how different his experience of the first few days of his baby’s life would be to the insular family-based time after my own children were born.
It strikes me that over the years, too many men have missed these precious moments with their families for fear of the censure they would receive for being away from work.
I appreciate that the prime minister has a job to do, but there is no doubt in my mind that by ploughing ahead, Boris (the man) is losing precious moments that can never be regained.
As we inevitably look to the future, let’s hope the much discussed ‘new normal’ will include allowing fathers (especially men like the prime minister) to spend time with their kids without fear of criticism.
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