Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Boris Johnson says diplomat's wife should lose immunity after teenager's death

The Prime Minister says diplomatic immunity should be removed from an American woman wanted in connection with a crash that killed British teenager Harry Dunn.

Boris Johnson suggested he would personally intervene to urge the US to reconsider its decision to grant immunity to Anne Sacoolas – diplomat Jonathan Sacoolas’s wife – following the 19-year-old’s death.

Police chiefs have written to the US embassy demanding Ms Sacoolas lose her immunity and return to the UK, after she flew back to the USA following the crash between Mr Dunn’s motorbike and a car close to RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire, a military base used by the US Air Force.

Police believe the car was on the wrong side of the road as it emerged from the base on 27 August.

Boris Johnson said he would raise the issue with the White House if necessary, telling the BBC: ‘I do not think it can be right to use the process of diplomatic immunity for this type of purpose.


‘I hope that Anne Sacoolas will come back and engage properly with the processes of laws as they are carried out in this country.’

Expressing sympathy with the family, he continued: ‘That is a point that we are raising today with the American ambassador and I hope it will be resolved very shortly.

‘If we can’t resolve it then of course I will be raising it myself with the White House.’

Ms Sacoolas left the country under diplomatic immunity, despite telling officers she did not plan to do so.

The Dunn family have made heartfelt pleas for her to return and face justice for the death which they say has left them ‘broken’.

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