Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Boris Johnson PLEADS with Britons to ‘stay at home’ as UK faces ultimate lockdown test

Taking to Twitter, the British Prime Minister urged people to not go outdoors so “we don’t undo everything that’s been done so far”. The Prime Minister is expected to announce only a “modest” easing of the coronavirus lockdown similar to Wales tomorrow.

It had been suggested that he might offer Britons unlimited exercise and outdoor picnics as early as next week, while construction workers and some retail staff may be able to return to their jobs.

But the government is concerned that the Bank Holiday long weekend, coupled with warm conditions and alleged mixed messaging from the Government, could prove tempting for people to go outdoors.

Forecasters are predicting temperatures as high as 26C in London whilst northern and central parts of England could reach up to 23C, with southern areas peaking at 25C.

The Prime Minister said: “Thank you for all you are doing to protect our NHS and save lives.

“This bank holiday weekend, please stay at home, so we don’t undo everything that’s been done so far.”

Environment Secretary George Eustice said it is “of vital importance” that members of the public continue to follow the restrictions over the Bank Holiday.

Speaking at the Downing Street press conference on Friday, he said: “I’m conscious there is a great deal of speculation about what the prime minister might say on Sunday when he outlines a roadmap for the future and how we will evolve the current restrictions.

“The prime minister will outline any change to the guidance on Sunday.

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“But in the meantime, in spite of the sunny bank holiday, it is vitally important that we continue to abide by the current restrictions – stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

“It’s absolutely essential that people abide by the current restrictions and don’t succumb to the temptation to go out and about.”

John Griffiths, from the Met Office, said: “Saturday will get off to a fine and dry start for most. Large swathes will be dry and sunny.

“The cold front will bring cloud and outbreaks of rain and strong winds.

“It’ll be time to pack the shorts away and get the fleeces out. Hopefully people will be able to enjoy the weather, sensibly, before it takes a cold turn.”

The government calls were echoed by Northern Ireland Justice Minister Naomi Long.

She said: “If you are getting into your car, ask yourself if your reason for doing so is both essential and reasonable.”

She added that while formal enforcement measures are available to policing, she stressed the “vast majority of people are doing the right thing”.

The easing of lockdown restrictions in England will come after Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford announced how Wales will start easing their lockdown.

The First Minister said the transmission rate of the virus allowed only a “very modest” easing to permit more than one form of exercise per day, and for garden centres and libraries to reopen.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “My view is we’ll be very much in line with one another.

“Our new regime won’t come in until Monday, so we’ll move in a timely way together across the UK and I still think that is very much a preferable route.”

Amid concerns of a rift in a UK-wide response to the COVID-19 response, Mr Drakeford said he did not expect the alterations to be announced by the Prime Minister on Sunday to differ much from his own.

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