Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Boris Johnson hails Britain’s ‘greatest generation’ as he thanks WWII veterans on VE Day

In a letter to mark today’s 75th anniversary of VE Day, the Prime Minister expressed his “sincere thanks” for their service in the struggle against Nazi tyranny. He also urged Britons to show the “same spirit of national endeavour” as the war generation in the current battle against coronavirus.

In his letter, the Prime Minister wrote: “I am delighted to offer my profound thanks for your service in the Second World War.

“I write with deep humility because the truth is that no other generation of Britons can rival your achievement.

“When Hitler conquered almost all of Europe, the survival of our country – and of freedom everywhere – rested in your hands.

“If you had yielded, then Britain and our entire continent would have succumbed to tyranny. The world today would be unrecognisable and safe only for oppressors.

“But you did not yield: you persevered through every ordeal and hardship and you prevailed against a ruthless enemy, achieving victory 75 years ago.

“Those of us born after 1945 are acutely conscious of the debt we owe.

“Without your trial and sacrifice, many of us would not be here at all; if we were, we would surely not be free.

“To us, you are quite simply the greatest generation of Britons who ever lived.”

He added: “Our celebration of the anniversary of victory might give the impression that Hitler’s downfall was somehow inevitable. You know better. You will remember moments of crisis, even desperation, as our country endured setback, defeat and grievous loss.

“What made the difference was your valour, fortitude and quiet yet invincible courage.

“On the Home Front, women broke the enemy codes, worked the factories, sustained the economy and fired the anti-aircraft guns, even as our cities were bombed night after night.

“And all the while, on battlefronts across the world, our soldiers, sailors and airmen fought a remorseless enemy

“On this anniversary, we are engaged in a new struggle against the coronavirus which demands the same spirit of national endeavour that you exemplified 75 years ago.

“We cannot pay our tribute with the parades and street celebrations we enjoyed in the past; your loved ones may be unable to visit in person.

“But please allow us, your proud compatriots, to be the first to offer our gratitude, our heartfelt thanks and our solemn pledge: you will always be remembered.”

Boris Johnson last night paid his respects to fallen soldiers when he was welcomed to the abbey by the Dean of Westminster, Reverend Dr David Hoyle, and was invited to light a candle at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

A moment of silence was then observed to remember all those who lost their lives during the Second World War, followed by a short prayer from Rev Hoyle.

Westminster Abbey has held special services to mark VE Day anniversaries, and has also recorded a special podcast for VE Day featuring readings, music, address and prayers.

The podcast will be released tomorrow morning at 9.00 am, ahead of the service and national celebrations.

Despite the ongoing UK lockdown, the public are being encouraged to join festivities remotely.

Socially distanced street parties have been organised, during which people plan to join Dame Vera Lynn in singing her classic We’ll Meet Again from their front doors and windows.

The Queen is will address the nation in a televised message at 9pm – the exact moment her father, King George VI, gave a speech over the radio three-quarters of a century earlier.

One-hundred-year-old veteran and national treasure Captain Tom Moore will also share his memories of war in an ITV documentary, titled Captain Tom’s War.

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