Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Boris Johnson attacks SNP’s ‘abject surrender’ of Scottish fishing to EU ‘explain that!’

The Prime Minister was asked by Tory Brexiteer Owen Paterson to confirm his Brexit deal will allow the UK to agree to renewable bilateral agreements that will give Scottish fishermen the power to control their own waters again. Boris Johnson replied: “My Rt. Honourable friend perfectly understand what we need to do to restore to this country the advantages of a spectacular marine wealth.

“That’s exactly what we will do once we become an independent coastal state.

“And I remind the House and I remind Members opposite that there is of course one party in this House of Commons that is committed not just to reversing the will of the people but to handing back control of Scotland’s outstanding marine welfare to Brussels.

“The SNP! That’s what they will do. And I look forward to hearing them explain why they continue to support this abject policy and abject surrender.”

Boris Johnson’s deal is expected to pass thanks to the Prime Minister’s victory in the election, which saw him come away with an 80-strong majority and the fact that all Tory election candidates backed the agreement.

The SNP attempted to frustrate the process by tabling an amendment to ensure that the government does not take the UK out of the EU without the consent of the Scottish parliament. 

The group want the second reading of the Brexit deal to the scrapped “because 62 percent of voters in Scotland supported remaining in the European Union”. 

But House of Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle rejected all amendments put forward by opposition parties.

After he has taken the UK out of the bloc on January 31, Mr Johnson will close down the Brexit department and tell his team to no longer use the word Brexit.

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During his opening speech kicking off the debate on Friday morning, Mr Johnson said: “We will be able to move forward together. The Bill ensures that the implementation period must end on Jan 31 with no possibility of an extension.

“And it paves the path for a new agreement on our future relationship with our European neighbours based on an ambitious free-trade agreement, with no alignment… on EU rules, but instead control of our own laws and close and friendly relations.

“This vision of the United Kingdom’s independence, a vision that inspires so many, is now if this Parliament, this new Parliament allows, only hours from our grasp.

“The oven is on, so to speak, it is set at gas mark 4, we can have it done by lunchtime, or late lunch.”

Source: Read Full Article

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