Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Black man stopped and searched 'for wearing several layers despite warm weather'

The Met police is facing further accusations of racism after footage emerged showing a black man being stopped and searched ‘for wearing several layers of clothing despite the warm weather’.

The young man, who was not found with anything on him, was approached by two officers as he walked down a street in Croydon, south London, on Wednesday afternoon.

In a clip that has gone viral on TikTok, police ask the man why he is wearing a thick coat given the sunny weather.

The man replied that he can dress ‘how he wants’ before an officer says she is going to detain him, saying he wasn’t ‘dressed for the climate’.

Police have now launched a review into the incident and confirmed a formal complaint had been made.

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It comes as the Met faces legal action for carrying out a strip-search on a 15-year-old black girl while she was on her period.

A Scotland Yard spokesman confirmed the man in Croydon had been stopped because of the location, which they said was ‘well-known for drug dealing’, and the fact he was ‘wearing several layers of clothing despite the warm weather’.

In the clip, which has been viewed over 250,000 times, a male officer can be heard saying: ‘I’m just wondering why you’re wearing a coat.

‘If people are trying to hide things, they wear baggy clothes.’

The man says ‘I can wear my own coat’ and offers to hand it over to police if they buy him a new one.

‘We don’t want your coat, we’re asking why you’re wearing it. You’re not dressed for the climate,’ the female officer replies.

The man says: ‘I wear anything I want, what’s wrong with you? What do you mean the climate, who tells me how to dress? I don’t even want to talk to you.’

The female officer then says she is detaining him as he says ‘go on, go on’ and the video cuts out.

Alongside the clip, the man subjected to the search posted: ‘Today I was being harassed by these 3 illiterate officers, giggling like kids when they were asking me idiotic questions like what am I wearing & why I look like I do.

‘This bullying tactic they use is to get guys like me reacting a way they want so they can arrest me. This needs to stop.’

The footage has sparked outrage online.

One person tweeted: ‘Imagine being detained by the Police because you are…checks notes: “…not dressed for the climate” Jesus…of…Nazareth!’

Another person said: ‘It’s not that hot and regardless even if it was when did they have laws on how to dress being detained for wearing a coat has to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard lately.’

A third said: ‘So a black man can’t wear jacket now basically.’

Scotland Yard said in a statement: ‘At 16:47hrs on Wednesday, 23 March patrolling officers from the Violent Crime Taskforce noticed a man walking down a side road in Dagnall Park, Croydon, in an area well-known for drug dealing.

‘It was also observed that he was wearing several layers of clothing despite the warm weather.

‘Officers approached him to establish his reasons for being in the area.

‘He became hostile and refused to account for what he was doing. He was detained for the purposes of a search under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

‘Nothing was found and the man went on his way.’

Detective Chief Superintendent Lee Hill, of the Met’s Violent Crime Taskforce, said: ‘We are aware of footage circulating on social media; this shows only a small part of this incident and we would ask people not to rush to judgement.

‘In this instance a formal complaint has been received and is being handled in accordance with the Police Reform Act. This will include a review of all the available footage, including the officer’s body-worn video.

‘Our officers have to conduct themselves in the most challenging of circumstances and it is right their actions should be subject to public scrutiny.’

Police are allowed to carry out stop and search if they have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect someone is carrying illegal drugs, a weapon, stolen property or other items used to carry out crime.

Black people are nine times more likely to be stopped and searched by police than white people, official figures for England and Wales in 2019-2020 show.

Meanwhile, an investigation by LBC this week revealed thousands of strip searches have been carried out by police on children in London schools, most of them from ethnic minority backgrounds.

The figures came amid backlash over the experience of Chlid Q, a 15-year-old girl from Hackney who was made to expose intimate body parts and asked to take off her sanitary towel during a ‘traumatic’ strip search when she was wrongly suspected of carrying drugs.

A Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review found Child Q’s experiences were ‘unlikely to have been the same’ had she not been black.

The two officers involved in the search were demoted to desk duty following the report, which said the girl went from a ‘happy-go-lucky child’ to a ‘timid recluse who hardly speaks’ and self-harms.

Lawyers representing the pupil have accused Scotland Yard of ‘institutional racism and institutional sexism’ and have vowed to seek ‘cast iron commitments’ this will never happen again.

Last week, hundreds of people protested outside Hackney Town Hall and the local police station to express their outrage and demand change. Hackney’s mayor has also called for the resignation of the headteacher at the school, which has not been named.

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