Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

Biker leaves furious note on lamppost over ‘b***ard’ driver

An angry motorcyclist is hunting for the driver of a car which “bruised” him after a collision. The rider left an irate note attacking the driver, signed off with only the name “bruised Lee” and a telephone number. He has also offered a £100 cash reward for anyone who can identify the car after the accident on Croft Road in Nuneaton.

The seething motorcyclist didn’t hold back, expressing his anger in a message attached to whiteboards affixed to a lamppost on Croft Road, Coventry Live reported.

In addition to slamming the driver in an expletive-laden rant, the note also begs anyone who can identify the Silver Nissan Note involved in the accident to come forward.

The message reads: “Motorbike accident. Friday 19 May 11.30. PLEASE HELP. Driver damaged Silver Nissan Note. Left scene, no details. B*stard. Reg Number????.”

Warwickshire Police have acknowledged receiving a report about the collision, which occurred at 11:52 a.m. on Friday, May 19. The incident involved a car and a motorbike.

While an ambulance was initially dispatched, it was later determined that medical assistance for “bruised Lee” was unnecessary.

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