Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

BBC QT audience member savages Remainers and exposes reason for ‘painful’ Brexit impasse

The member of the BBC Question Time audience in Beckenham suggested Brexit talks have been “arduous” due to the inability of Remainers to accept the results. The Government has been engaged in a battle of wills with Parliament due to MPs’ reluctance to leave the European Union without a deal despite Britons voting to quit three years ago. The BBC QT audience member said: “We have a lot of talk about how arduous the Brexit process has been and how much of a pain it is for everyone.

“Has it not occurred to anyone a part of the reason it has been such a pain for everyone is that half of the people are totally unwilling to accept the result?

“Who are unwilling to respect the will of 17.4 million people?”

Other members of the audience could be seen clapping as some cheered in support of the point the young man-made, while panellist Julia Hartley-Brewer was spotted nodding her head and saying: “Exactly.”

After receiving a negative response from the European Union over his proposals for an alternative arrangement to the backstop, Boris Johnson jetted off to meet Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar on Thursday to discuss their position. 

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The Taoiseach emerged surprisingly positive from the meeting, claiming a deal is “possible” after seeming gloom at the prospect of a no deal over the past few days.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told Question Time the hard stance the Prime Minister adopted since taking over in July appeared to have paid off.

Mr Shapps said: “What I can tell is we’ve always said the best way to get a deal is to prepare for the chance that there isn’t one.

“Whilst the talks were going on, I was in Portsmouth looking at the preparedness of the port there, where they are getting things ready.

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“I think, actually, that is the thing which has created a potential space here where Leo Varadkar is being more positive than I’ve heard throughout this entire process.”

He added: “We want a deal, he wants a deal, let’s try and get one.”

In a joint statement Mr Johnson and Mr Varadkar released after the three-hour meeting, the pair said: “The Prime Minister and [Irish premier] have had a detailed and constructive discussion.

“Both continue to believe that a deal is in everybody’s interest. They agreed that they could see a pathway to a possible deal.


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“Their discussion concentrated on the challenges of customs and consent.

“They also discussed the potential to strengthen bilateral relations, including on Northern Ireland.

“They agreed to reflect further on their discussions and that officials would continue to engage intensively on them.”

Following the meeting, a buoyant-looking Mr Varadkar said: “What I can say is I had a very good meeting today with the Prime Minister and our teams together – very positive and very promising.

“I am now absolutely convinced that both Ireland and Britain want there to be an agreement that’s in the interests of Ireland and the United Kingdom, and the European Union as a whole, and I do see a pathway towards an agreement in the coming weeks.”

Boris Johnson will be meeting his European counterparts to further discuss his proposal at the EU Summit scheduled to take place in Brussels next week. 

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