Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

BBC presenter Dan Walker accused of ‘shocking tweet’ in argument on compulsory licence fee

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While announcing his book, Remarkable People, the 43-year-old BBC presenter was accused by a Twitter user of using “licence fee money” to promote his new book. Mr Walker replied back to the reader saying: “What’s the weather like in Russia big man?”

The original tweet from the Twitter user had said: “Lovely to be able to take licence fee money and also promote a book on it…”

Defund the BBC, a grassroots campaign group calling for the compulsory licence fee to be scrapped, retweeted Mr Walker’s comment and accused him disparaging others and dismissing critics as “Russian bots”.

The group tweeted: “BBC journalists are paid by the British public, with threat of imprisonment, if they want to watch any live TV.

“Yet this one thinks it’s funny to disparage those who raise concerns and dismiss them as Russian bots.

“Time for a major clean out at the BBC.”

Kate Hoey, the former MP for Vauxhall, said Mr Walker’s comment is ensuring the campaign to defund the BBC “grows even more quickly”.

She said: “A quite shocking tweet from a BBC journalist Dan Walker.

“How dare he suggest that anyone wanting a proper debate on the compulsory licence fee is a Russian bot!

“But all this does it ensure the campaign to Defund the BBC grows even more quickly.”

The licence fee is the annual cost viewers must pay in the UK and funds the TV, radio and online services of the BBC.

Those caught watching television without a licence can be fined up to £1,000 in addition to court costs.

Defund the BBC was launched last Sunday by James Yucel, a student at Glasgow University, who said he launched the group “on a whim out of frustration”.

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Today, Mr Walker had to once again clarify comments he made on Twitter after expressing his shock at the queues outside Primark following the opening of shops amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Mr Walker had to clarify yet another tweet after a fan misread his tone when expressing his shock at the long queues outside Primark stores.

As the Government continues to ease the coronavirus lockdown to restart the economy, Monday 15 June saw all non-essential shops in England free to reopen their doors to customers and it was clear people are itching to get back to normal.

After seeing a post on Twitter accompanied by a photo of a long line of keen shoppers queueing for Primark in Liverpool, Dan couldn’t help but show his astonishment at the sheer number of people wanting to go shopping.

The photo showed individuals queuing around the building, as the two metre social distancing rules remain in place.

The BBC Breakfast presenter shared the post to his own Twitter page, relaying his shock.

“Queues outside Primark this morning,” he wrote alongside a gasping face.

But what was just an innocent tweet of pure amazement at the dedication of shoppers, the TV star was hit with a negative response from a fan who seemed to have misinterpreted his tone.

The user retorted: “Your surprised face there Dan suggests you have never been in a Primark in your life.

“It has clothes at a reasonable low price which many low income families rely on.”

Quick to clear up the confusion, Dan made it clear his post was not a dig at societal classes.

“We have a 13-year-old who lives in Primark!” he reasoned.

“We’re not making a judgement. I think it shows the difference between those who are keen to get back to normal and those who have no plans to go to a busy shop today #BBCBreakfast.”

His remarks were met with people supporting the BBC Breakfast presenter while others condemned him for his comments. has contacted the BBC for comment.

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