Monday, 30 Sep 2024

BBC host makes Labour shadow minister squirm over Remainer Adonis – ‘why is he standing?’

Lord Adonis, a prominent Eurosceptic and ardent campaigner for a second referendum, told The Times that the elections would be a “titanic struggle between ‘Farage Brexit’ and ‘Labour Remain’. Turning to Mr Healey this morning on BBC’s Today programme, Mr Webb asked pointedly: “Is that how you see it?” Mr Healey evasively answered: “I see strong Labour support and that is what we’ll have to campaign for.”

But the BBC host asked again: “Is ‘Labour Remain’ the right way to characterise your party?”

A squirming Mr Healey was forced to admit: “No.

“The way to characterise our party is as it’s been since the referendum and since the last general election: respecting the result of the referendum.”

Mr Webb spat: “Hang on, then.

“Why is he standing for you?

“Why is he on the list?”

Mr Healey stuttered: “Because we have a range of candidates.”

But the BBC host was enraged, snapping: “A range of views then that are completely incompatible!”

Exasperated, Mr Healey simply replied: “You asked about the Labour position and it hasn’t changed.

“We want a better Brexit deal than the government has been able to negotiate.

“One that can command support across parliament.”

Senior Conservatives are expected to hold further discussions on whether to change the party rules to enable an early leadership challenge to Theresa May.

Officers of the Tory backbench 1922 Committee met in Westminster on Tuesday amid growing pressure for the Prime Minister to name the date of her departure.

Afterwards there was no formal statement from the meeting which was said have been inconclusive.

The meeting venue was switched at the last minute to enable members to avoid waiting reporters.

However it is reported that there will be further discussions ahead of the weekly meeting of the full 1922 Committee on Wednesday.

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