Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

BBC exposes leaked data on shocking REAL number of coronavirus care home deaths in UK

The true number of coronavirus deaths in the UK may be far higher than thought when considering the real number of care home fatalities, Newsnight has revealed. BBC Policy Editor Lewis Goodall revealed leaked statistics from County Durham County Council that showed that 45 percent of all of their COVID-19 deaths so far have come from care homes, while only 55 percent have been recorded in hospitals. Mr Goodall warned that care home deaths could be up 40 percent on the average for the year so far.


He said: “I’ve been looking at figures from other local authorities today. Some really rather worrying statistics that I found, in particular from one council in Greater Manchester.”

Mr Goodall produced a graph comparing the minimum and maximum deaths a week since 1996 with those registered in 2020.

He told viewers: “The blue lines essentially show deaths in this county council in care homes since 1996.

“The top blue line represents the most in any given year in any given week. The bottom line represents the minimum that they’ve had.”

The BBC journalist continued: “Notice how the pink line, basically from early April, shoots right up. It goes far in excess of even the maximum deaths they’ve had in care homes at any point since 1996.

“In fact, by my calculations, they’re actually up 40 percent on the average for the year so far.

“So this particular council, just one council absolutely, but it does tally with other statistics that I’m getting from other local authorities.

“This council has 40 percent more deaths in care homes than it would typically see in the year up to this point.”

Mr Goodall added: “Now of course that won’t all be COVID-19, but it seems very unlikely that that doesn’t account for much of it.

“Why is this important? Well for two reasons I think. Firstly, there have been countries like Norway or Denmark, which are indeed showing a great number of care home deaths as a result of COVID-19, but their overall care home deaths aren’t up substantially.

“50 percent of their overall deaths are in care homes, but the actual numbers aren’t up by comparison to what we see from other years, for flu for example.”

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The Newsnight Editor continued: “We are seeing considerably more numbers of deaths in care homes.

“I think it’s also important in terms of marking the Government’s homework as well.

“We saw the Prime Minister today, and lots of other ministers, say we’ve had a great success because the NHS hasn’t been overwhelmed.

“Indeed that is an enormous success and many people thought that it would be.

“But of course if many of these deaths are taking place in care homes and not in hospital, then really that shows us a whole other theatre of war, if you like, which isn’t being accounted for.”

Source: Read Full Article

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