Thursday, 9 Jan 2025

BBC BIAS? Rod Liddle’s BRILLIANT point on why broadcaster ‘cannot be IMPARTIAL’

During the election campaign, Nigel Farage has consistently criticised the BBC for not giving his new Brexit Party enough airtime. Last week, he condemned The Andrew Marr Show for booking five Remainer guests, with no Brexiteer and threatened the bosses of the corporation to make the license fee part of his party’s manifesto. The broadcaster has repeatedly denied accusations of bias, pointing out that Nigel Farage has made several appearances on BBC programmes including Question Time and The Andrew Marr Show.

However, during the night of the election, many viewers accused the BBC of “grossly under-representing” the Brexit Party.

East of England MEP, Patrick O’Flynn wrote on Sunday night on Twitter: “I know it’s early but I must say BBC coverage is missing the obvious huge story – the Brexit Party has won these elections and won them big.”

He added later: “Why have BBC got Heidi Allen from Chelmsford but nothing from Richard Tice of the winning party?”

In a recent interview for Peter Whittle’s YouTube channel “So What You are Saying Is”, newspaper columnist Rod Liddle explained why it should not come as a surprise if the BBC shows a pro-European stance.

He told Mr Whittle: “An awful lot of that Remain vote was cast in a bubble.

“In a way the Leave vote kind of was not, the Leave vote was dispersed.

“The Remain vote was a coral of middle-class – I am sure very nice people – in London, in Cambridge, in Oxford, in Bristol who lived in that bubble.

“It is like the BBC. The BBC does not think it is misrepresenting Brexit, they all think the same.

“There is not a single one of them who voted to leave

“Well, I say not a single one of them.

“I have asked around. I haven’t found anyone who currently works there who voted leave.

“It is that bubble. That is why they don’t get it, they don’t understand it.”

At the beginning of May, revealed that the broadcaster’s charitable arm BBC Media Action received more than £3million directly from Brussels in the financial year 2017-18.

A spokesman for BBC Media action told “In the financial year 2017-18, BBC Media Action received approximately £3.1million from the European Commission.

“This funding has gone to programmes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, North Africa, South Sudan and Ukraine.

“BBC Media Action is an independent charity which is not funded from the BBC licensing fee.”

Even though the charity claims to be fully independent from the state broadcaster, its board members are not only nominated by the BBC but its chair, Fran Unsworth, is the Director of News & Current Affairs for BBC News.

Before then she served in various senior positions in the BBC, including director of the BBC World Service Group.

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