Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Baby born in car park after paramedic mistook dad’s call for help as cheering

A teacher gave birth to her son in a supermarket car park after an ambulance failed to stop because the driver thought the baby’s father was just cheering them on.

Hannah and Andy Howells were driving to the Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton on 19 April when she realised they were not going to arrive in time.

They pulled over into a Sainsbury’s Local car park and Mr Howells tried to flag down a passing ambulance.

Mrs Howells, 33, said: “Andy was trying to wave, but they quite rightly thought we were clapping for the amazing work they’re doing.

“We parked up and called the Labour Line and then 999 and the amazing lady who took the call and talked my husband through delivering our baby.

“Wilf was already halfway out on the front seat of the car and I still had my seat belt on.”

After Mr Howells helped deliver baby Wilf, who weighed 6lbs 7oz, the same ambulance that had passed them earlier returned and took mother and child to hospital to be checked over.

Mr Howells, 37, said: “We want to say thank you to all those that helped us, including Kellie-Anne Blake, the 999 call handler who talked me through the delivery, the amazing paramedics, and Amber and her team at the Broadlands Birth Centre.

“We are in awe of those that are risking their own lives, and that of their families, to help people who need it. Thank you so much.”

The parents and baby returned home the same day to their other son, Theo, three, who was being looked after by his grandparents.

Mrs Howells added: “Wilf is a trooper and incredibly calm. He’s chilled and super healthy. Theo has been an absolute star and is besotted with him. We’re all doing very well and we feel really lucky.”

Source: Read Full Article

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