Monday, 1 Jul 2024

Awkward Boris 'ignored' by world leaders before NATO group photo

Boris Johnson awkwardly stood on his own while Western leaders greeted each other at the emergency summit in Belgium

Boris Johnson was left looking flushed after he was seemingly ‘snubbed’ at a crucial meeting about Russia’s war in Ukraine.

A video shows world leaders greeting each other at the start of the NATO summit, while the UK prime minister lingered around awkwardly, with hands in his pockets.

Just before they posed for a so-called ‘family photo’, French president Emmanuel Macron can be seen cheerfully chatting with US leader Joe Biden – and ignoring Mr Johnson.

People were quick to make jabs at the Tory leader on Twitter, with some dubbing the song ‘All by myself’ and the ‘Curb your enthusiasm’ soundtrack over the clip.

One user said it looked like ‘an undress rehearsal for The Emperor’s New Clothes’.

But another video broadcasted on Sky News then shows Mr Johnson shaking Mr Biden’s hand.

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NATO, G7 and European Union leaders gathered in Brussels to draw up plans to ramp up pressure on Russian president Vladimir Putin, as the invasion enters a second month.

It comes after Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky called for worldwide protests against the Kremlin’s regime..

Addressing the summit by video from Kyiv, he called for ‘military assistance without limitations’ as Russia is ‘without limits using its entire arsenal’.

More specifically, the Ukrainian leader asked for ‘1% of all your planes, 1% of all your tanks’.

‘We can’t just buy those’, Mr Zelensky said, airing his frustration. ‘When we will have all this, it will give us, just like you, 100% security.’

It needed music …

Mr Johnson admitted it would ‘logistically’ be ‘very difficult’ to supply the tanks and jets, but said allies would strive to give Mr Zelensky weapons ‘in the quantity and of the quality’ he needs to defend his nation from the Russian invasion.

He added: ‘What President Zelensky wants is to try to relieve Mariupol and to help the thousands of Ukrainian fighters in the city.

‘To that end he does need armour, as he sees it. We are looking at what we can do to help.

‘But logistically it looks very difficult both with armour and with jets.’

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