Asthma sufferers put at risk by poor inhaler use
Research has shown that almost half of sufferers do not use their inhaler properly and one in five have missed vital appointments to have their technique checked, according to an Asthma UK survey of more than 10,000 patients. The charity is launching a series of three-minute videos today, which demonstrate how to use 21 different inhalers, spacers or nasal sprays. Dr Andy Whittamore, a GP and the charity’s clinical lead, said: “Inhalers are the bread-and-butter treatment for most people with asthma, so it’s really worrying that many people are not taking them properly or getting their technique checked by their GP or asthma nurse.
“With so many different types of inhaler which are all used in different ways, it can be difficult for patients and healthcare professionals to know the correct way to use them.”
He added: It’s also easy for patients to get into bad habits or simply forget the best technique, especially if they have a new type of inhaler.”
If the inhaler is not positioned correctly, the medicine may stay in a person’s mouth or throat, meaning the full dose does not reach the lungs.
This can lead to side effects such as oral thrush and a sore throat.
Other mistakes include breathing too forcefully or not forcefully enough, not breathing in deeply, or not preparing the inhaler properly, such as shaking it before use.
National guidelines say patients should get their inhaler technique checked during a yearly review with either their GP or an asthma nurse.
Dr Whittamore said: “Even a small tweak to how someone uses their inhaler can make a huge difference and could prevent them having a life-threatening asthma attack.
“We’re urging people with asthma and healthcare professionals to watch the videos so they feel confident in how people can use their inhalers to stay well.”
For more information and to view the videos, visit
Father-of-three Paul Wilson missed sessions on good inhaler technique – and ended up in hospital 48 times and had to be resuscitated on 25 occasions.
The youth worker, 44, from Beith, near Glasgow, said: “Looking back, I was just taking a puff and hoping for the best.”
Paul finally discovered that only 10-20 per cent of the medicine was reaching his lungs.
He said: “They showed me the correct inhaler technique and gave me a spacer to use, and the difference it has made to my asthma is incredible. I even ran the London Marathon for Asthma UK last year.
“I never thought that something so simple could completely turn my life around.”
By Dr Andy Whittamore, Asthma UK’s clinical lead
Just a small tweak can make the difference in being protected from asthma attacks.
Asthma can and does kill. Three people die from an asthma attack every day in the UK. So it’s vital to get their inhaler technique checked by a healthcare professional.
But there are so many different types of inhaler, it can be difficult for GPs and asthma nurses to keep on top of how they all work.
That’s why Asthma UK has launched 21 videos which demonstrate how to use many of the different inhalers, spacers or nasal sprays.
We want everyone to feel confident in how to use inhalers to reduce the risk of a potentially life-threatening asthma attack.
A simple change to how someone uses their inhaler could save their life.
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