Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Archbishop of York blasts hypocritical rules on singing as footie fans ‘lustily’ chant

Sadiq Khan criticised over Euro 2020 final by Ian Collins

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The Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell said that communal singing “no longer has a place in UK culture” outside of football matches and churches yet “we still long for it”. Until earlier this month there was a ban on congregational singing in churches, in a bid to limit the spread of the virus. 

Under current Plan B rules face coverings are mandatory in most public indoor venues.

However, there is a “reasonable excuse exemption” which allows people to remove face coverings in places of worship in order to sing.

According to the Archbishop there were clear double standards in the rules on singing banned in churches but allowed in football grounds.

He said: “I don’t think I was the only one who was left a bit nonplussed by some of the Government’s guidelines at the time.

“In the summer, as England made their way to the final of the Euros, thousands sang lustily in the stands at Wembley Stadium, but small, socially distanced congregations on Sunday were instructed to remain silent.”

Speaking in the House of Lords in July, the Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek, also criticised the Government and asked for clarification on the singing ban, “given that singing is not an add-on to worship but integral to it”.

At the time of the Euro 2020 final between England and Italy on July 11 singing and dancing were illegal inside pubs with owners risking a fine.

Groups of six were allowed inside venues to watch the match and up to 30 people were allowed to meet in outdoor spaces such as pub gardens. 

The Government has previously said in its guidelines that singing in churches can potentially risk spreading coronavirus.

In a document entitled “COVID-19: suggested principles of safer singing” this argument was made justifying the ban.

It read: “Several outbreaks of coronavirus (Covid-19) have been associated with adult choir rehearsals and performances and in church congregations across the world.”

It was also argued that singing in churches could potentially release droplets with the virus in them. 

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It added: “Singing by adults produces both large droplets of respiratory secretions that generally fall onto surfaces within two metres of the singer, and small droplets that are carried on the air for some distance (aerosols).”

However, the Most Rev Cottrell argues that singing can be good for your health.

He continued: “It increases lung capacity. Surely a very good thing, for those of us who caught the dreaded Covid, as I did earlier this year, and whose lungs took a hammering.”

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