Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Arch Remainer Dominic Grieve caught out as BBC Newsnight host exposes Brexit hypocrisy

Speaking on BBC Newsnight, Mr Grieve insisted that there should be another referendum on Brexit. Despite his statement, Ms Barnett quickly pointed out that the Tory MP had voted against Theresa May’s deal, something Mr Grieve had criticised the European Research Group for doing so.

She said: “Wouldn’t some people say ‘aren’t you just as extreme as the ERG side of this?’

“They don’t want a deal, and you don’t want any deal either?”

Mr Grieve was sheepish in his reply, saying “no, no, no” before replying.

He said: “The ERG turned down every deal Theresa May brought forward.”

Ms Barnett pounced and said: “As did you!”

The Remainer MP continued his explanation: “The ERG insisted that we had to crash out.

“Eventually they moved themselves to a position where they were arguing we had to leave with no deal at all.”

Continuing, the Newsnight host pointed that despite being on opposing sides of the debate, Mr Grieve was in a similar voting position as the ERG.

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She said: “But you were in the same voting camp as them.

“You voted against the deal.”

Mr Grieve replied: “That’s quite right, but I made quite clear to the Prime Minister two thing: firstly, that if the ERG changed their position I would have to consider it carefully even though I happen to believe it should all go back to the public in a confirmatory referendum.

“That remains my position.”


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Ms Barnett interjected: “So you will always carefully consider what comes back to the house, but you won’t vote for it unless there’s a referendum?”

He replied: “My principle choice is that this should go back to the public.

“We were not talking about what we were talking about in 2016 at all.”

The UK is supposed to leave the EU on October 31, with or without a deal, “do or die” according to Mr Johnson.

However, the Benn Act, recently passed by MPs, now requires the Government to write a letter to the EU if a deal isn’t reached and passed through Parliament by October 19.

The Act has been entrenched in controversy, with both Remain and Brexiteers claiming either side is not abiding by the law.

Drawn up by Hilary Benn, the Labour MP recently managed to enshrine the act into law.

Andrea Leadsom, the Energy Secretary, recently claimed the Government would follow the first letter, required by the Benn Act, with a second letter stating that the Government doesn’t intend to delay the Brexit date past October 31.

The admission came during an interview on ITV’s Peston, where host Robert Peston, pushed Ms Leadsom to make clear what the Government’s next step is in the Brexit negotiations.

Mr Peston claimed to have been signalled by Downing Street that it would send a second letter stating their desire not to have an extension despite being required to ask for an extension under Benn Act, which was recently passed by MPs.

However, Ms Leadsom admitted that: “It’s quite clear that the Government’s policy is that we do not want a delay.

“I don’t think anybody can be in any doubt about that.

“I think it’s perfectly reasonable to make that point very clearly.”

Source: Read Full Article

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