Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025

Anti-vaxxer scare stories blames for drop in Scotland’s jab rates

Ministers were last night urged to launch an urgent probe into falling immunisation levels among young children across the country. Opposition parties demanded action to curb social media “pseudoscience” blamed for parents choosing not have children vaccinated. Last year, vaccination rates for children under six dropped slightly in all but three of 17 different measures compared to 2017, official figures revealed.

Anti-vaccination propaganda can spread on sites such as Facebook, with parents told jabs may do more harm than good.

Opposition to vaccines has grown across Europe. And in the first half of last year, 41,000 measles cases were reported on the continent, with 37 deaths.

Experts have linked similar fears to measles outbreaks in London and in Greater Manchester.

The data from the NHS Information and Statistics Division showed that the biggest decrease in Scotland was for the 4-in-one booster vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough) and polio.

Uptake of the vaccine fell by 1.1 percent among children under five.

Next came the second dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, where uptake fell by one percent. 

Uptake of the complete two-dose course of rotavirus vaccine by the age of one also fell, by 0.6 percent. The oral vaccine protects against an infection which causes severe diarrhoea.

Uptake of one dose of the MMR vaccine for children under six was 96.6 percent last year, meeting the national target of 95 percent for the 10th year in a row.

The report also found that children from deprived areas were less likely to have the vaccinations.

Scottish Lib Dem health spokesman Alex Cole-Hamilton said the fall was “seriously concerning” and “social media pseudo-science” was partly to blame.

He added: “Denying your children access to life-saving vaccines is irresponsible, ill-informed and dangerous. 

“The Government must do all they can to reverse this worrying trend.”

Miles Briggs, of the Scottish Tories, said it was up to parents to decide about vaccinations. 

But he added: “Childhood immunisation has been high in Scotland for a number of years, so it’s vital complacency doesn’t creep in. This is a worrying drop, and the SNP Government now needs to investigate why that is.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said childhood immunisation rates were still “very high”. 

He added: “This reflects both the hard work and commitment of those working in the NHS and the recognition of the benefits of vaccination.

“Uptake of the first dose of the MMR vaccine for children up to five continues to exceed the 95 percent target. And as a result, there is no evidence of significant transmission of measles in Scotland among infants or children in primary or secondary school. 

“Instances of rotavirus have also dramatically decreased in both infants and the wider community since we made it part of the routine childhood schedule in July 2013.”

Source: Read Full Article

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