Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Anna Soubry forced to apologise for ‘arrogant’ Brexit mistake David Cameron made

Anna Soubry was forced to apologise after admitting David Cameron ad his Cabinet “arrogantly” agreed to hold the Brexit referendum because they were certain Remain would win. The former Prime Minister pledged to hold a vote on membership of the European Union as part of the 2015 general election manifesto and set the referendum date for June 23, 2016. But Ms Soubry, then serving as Small Business minister, revealed the British Government did not consider what they would do if Leave secured the victory. 

Speaking to LBC, Ms Soubry said: “I sat in that Cabinet that took the decision to hold the referendum.

“I know this is hugely with the benefit of hindsight but there was never any assessment or consideration of what would we do in the vent of Leave winning.

“Seriously, we all assumed we would win.”

She continued: “Listeners will be furious, especially younger ones and I apologise wholeheartedly.

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“To be fair, it wasn’t just that we assumed – which was arrogant – we would win but even we didn’t appreciate the extraordinarily difficult process of decoupling from an institution we’d been a part of for 40 years, that ran absolutely through almost every aspect of Britain’s life and existence.

“Brexit, in whatever form, will reduce the opportunities of our country, especially economically and for young people – and we never appreciated that. I put my hands up. I never appreciated that and I feel the need to apologise.”

The revelation follows the release of extracts from David Cameron’s upcoming book, For the Record, in which the former Prime Minister attacked Boris Johnson and Michael Gove for their role within the Leave campaign.

Speaking of the book in The Times, Mr Cameron said: “I say in the book: Boris had never argued for leaving the EU, right?

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“Michael was a very strong Eurosceptic, but someone whom I’d known as this liberal, compassionate, rational Conservative ended up making arguments about Turkey (joining) and being swamped and what have you.

“They were trashing the Government of which they were a part, effectively.”

Mr Cameron also admitted to underestimating the strength of the “latent Leaver gene” among members of the Conservative Party.

He continued: “Something I got wrong was that the latent Leaver gene in the Conservatives was much stronger than I thought.


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“There were lots of people – councillors, Conservative members, Conservative newspapers, friends – who, as far as I knew, had never expressed the view of wanting to leave the EU and then suddenly decided they absolutely did want to. I didn’t foresee that.”

Despite his criticism toward Mr Johnson, the former Prime Minister insisted he wants the Prime Minister to “succeed” in his bid to secure a deal with the European Union.

He added: “I worked with him well, as I say in the book. I also say that he was a capable mayor. He was easy to work with. I thought he was very talented. I wanted him in my government.

“We’ve had issues. Even before Brexit there were sometimes tensions and disagreements but, on the whole, we’ve got on well. And I want him to succeed.

“Look, he’s got a very clear strategy and plan. It’s, you know, not the approach that I would have taken, but I want him to succeed.”

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