Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Andrew Marr stuns Labour as BBC host accuses party of ‘sitting on the fence’ in TV clash

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The BBC’s Andrew Marr stunned Labour’s shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds after accusing her party of “sitting on the fence” during a heated clash this morning. Marr savaged Labour for refusing to take a stand on whether lockdown should be eased or not. This follows warnings from scientific advisers to the Government concerning the risk of lifting the lockdown in England from Monday, as schools prepare to reopen, and groups of up to six people allowed to meet.

During a tense interview, Marr urged Labour to “have a view” on lockdown, opening the exchange asking: “Can I ask you in very straight terms, does the Labour Party, does the opposition, support the unlocking?”

Ms Dodds refused to take a side of the debate, responding: “We know it will be a difficult decision for any Government over when to unlock.

“What is clear is that the decision has been made much riskier because of a lack of preparedness in terms of test, track and isolate.

“There is also confusion about the public health messaging, which absolutely needs to be crystal clear.

“I’m also well aware that huge number of businesses are desperate to reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.”

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Marr fired back: “That is all right but you haven’t come off the fence and said whether you are in favour of the unlocking or not in favour of the unlocking? That is all I am asking.”

The shadow chancellor responded: “It’s got to be a safe one. There’s a balance of risk”

Marr then scolded the MP: “I know, but the confusion is that as a party you have set some conditions that have to be met before the unlocking starts.

“250,000 tests per day you said. That is not happening. 50,000 contact tracers – that is not happening. A national phone app by the 1st June, we certainly have not got that.

“Given your own test it seems to me like Labour must oppose the unlocking?”

Again, Ms Dodds deflected, saying that “this is not a decision for the opposition to be taking”.

She added: “I am very concerned about what would happen to our economy if we had to impose a second lockdown. The Government has to get a grip on fundamentel issues.”


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Viewers tore into the confused Labour position, with one tweeting: “Labour still unable to take a firm policy position on anything.”

Another remarked: “I do wish the opposition wouldn’t use the ‘that’s not our decision’ line. Have a view.”

A frustrated viewer added: “Anneliese Dodds on Marr, business as usual with Labour sitting on the fence again. Pathetic.”

One person joked: “Does anybody know where Labour stand on any issue at the moment?”

Source: Read Full Article

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