Sunday, 30 Jun 2024

‘After cancer doctors told me I might never be a mum…’

Doctors said the aggressive chemotherapy would likely leave her infertile, so when she felt unwell on holiday, being pregnant was

the last thing that came to mind.

But a precautionary test and subsequent scan revealed she was 20 weeks pregnant.

Teddy, who was born last July at 6Ib 12oz, has just celebrated his first birthday.

Leanne, 33, lives with partner Junior Chae, also 33, in Bolton. She said: “I thought I’d never be a mum, so to have Teddy seems like a miracle. When they told me I was 20 weeks pregnant it was unbelievable. I was in shock.”

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Leanne was diagnosed at the age of 18 with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

After three years of chemotherapy her cancer went into remission, but when she finished treatment aged 22 tests showed her egg count was extremely low.

She said: “By the time I was 30 it had declined even further, so I never thought I would be able to get pregnant.”

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Leanne is supported by Maggie’s, a charity that provides help to those living with cancer and their families.

Rick Astley will be headlining its fundraiser – Maggie’s On The Runway – in November at Manchester Airport. It will feature ordinary women who have battled through cancer modelling on a catwalk.

Source: Read Full Article

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