Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Afghans who supported British troops and are now in danger can move to Britain

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Embassy support staff, those in political or counter-terrorism roles, and cultural advisers could be among those who relocate to Britain. Anyone at threat of Taliban attacks, intimidation or threatened by the militants will be offered priority relocation.

Officials expect hundreds to move here under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy, which will begin in April.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “Nobody’s life should be put at risk because they supported the UK Government to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan.

“As the situation in the region evolves, it is only right we do more to protect local citizens who stood shoulder to shoulder with our Armed Forces.

“These Afghans stood by us and risked their lives to make a better country.

“We owe them a debt and I am proud that the Home Secretary and I can finally close this chapter and thank them for their service.”

A specialist team in Kabul – the Intimidation Investigation Unit – will decide on applications.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “I am proud that through this new scheme, we can provide further support and sanctuary to these courageous men and women.”

The scheme will run alongside the Ex-Gratia Scheme, which allows Afghan interpreters who served a minimum of 12 months on the front line with UK forces the opportunity to move to the UK.

Source: Read Full Article

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