Monday, 24 Jun 2024

Abusive boyfriend dunked girlfriend's head in pan of hot cooking oil

A controlling partner subjected his girlfriend to ‘appalling violence’ and ‘relentless mental anguish’, on one occasion dunking her head into a pan of hot cooking oil.

Freddie McPherson, 21, was sentenced to more than two years in prison after continuously abusing his victim for almost a year, sometimes in front of a young child.

His string of violent offences included choking his victim until she was unconscious, beating her with a metal chair and stamping on her.

McPherson, of Rye Road, Hawkhurst, taunted his victim daily about her physical appearance, encouraging her to take her own life on several occasions.

He would also demand to view her phone in ‘fits of jealous rage’ and regularly prevented his partner from leaving the house to seek help.

The domestic violence – which occurred between August 2018 and May 2019 – was reported to Kent police in May this year.

Officers arrested McPherson immediately but say he has ‘demonstrated no sense of shame for his actions’.

He pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court to a charge of controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship, three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and two counts of common assault.

On Tuesday 5 November 2019, he was sentenced to two years and three months’ imprisonment and given a 10 year restraining order.

PC Ian Loft of the West Kent Vulnerable Investigation Team said: ‘McPherson continuously abused, isolated and tormented his victim during the vast majority of their relationship.

‘He has subjected her to the most appalling violence as well as relentless mental anguish, much of which was intended to humiliate and degrade her and which sometimes took place in front of a young child.

‘McPherson is an immature and selfish young man who has demonstrated no sense of shame for his actions.

‘I would like to thank and commend the victim who has shown great courage to come forward and also reassure anyone who may be in abusive relationship that we have a dedicated team which works relentlessly to tackle and deter these type of offences.

‘There is also a range of domestic abuse support services available through our partner agencies, to help keep victims safe.

‘They may be feeling frightened, isolated and ashamed but they are not to blame for what is happening.

‘No one should suffer in silence and we encourage them to report offences.’

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