Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

’10 days of LIMBO!’ Whitty blasted for huge ‘confusion’ over children vax announcement

Chris Whitty's mask demands criticised by Carole Malone

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During an agonising line of questioning during Monday’s press conference from Downing Street, where Professor Chris Whitty alongside a panel unveiled plans to vaccinate 12-15 year-olds in the UK, the BBC’s Medical Editor Fergus Walsh branded the fact that the JCVI (Joint Commission on Vaccination and Immunisation) made a separate announcement 10-days ago on their hesitant feelings towards vaccinating youngsters compared with British scientists who have given the go ahead for the rollout as having confused parents and the British public.

Mr Walsh asked: “Isn’t there a danger that many parents and indeed children are going to be confused that the JCVI didn’t recommend vaccines for this age group, and now you are?

Mr Whitty hit back, saying: “Our view, this is a professional view, the view of the great majority of doctors and public health professionals that these two are not in conflict.

“What JCVI said is that there was a marginal advantage but by their assessment but by their assessments that was not sufficient by their ordinary standards not to recommend it and quite appropriately they kept to their independent view.”

“They suggested further things and what we have done is that added in some wider considerations as JCVI have suggested and I don’t think in our view… we do not see a conflict between these.”

Mr Whitty insisted how in medicine factors need to be taken into account of which some are “direct” factors and some are “broader” factors in the risks and benefits of the vaccine for youngsters.

But Mr Walsh fired back accusing the panel of a “limbo of ten days” as he set about tearing into medical professionals.

He acknowledged the panel had set out their position on vaccines for kids “very clearly” but stressed it would have been better for the public to have received one collected announcement between the JCVI and British government scientists.

Despite the savage response Mr Whitty insisted the proper course has been taken with the announcements. 

More to follow…

Source: Read Full Article

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