Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


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London Bridge terror attack victims were betrayed by a ‘broken’ justice system

As the second victim of Friday’s knife attack was named as 23-year-old Saskia Jones, Boris Johnson admitted that scores of convicted terrorists roaming free in the UK. There are 74 currently out on licence, as London Bridge killer Usman Khan was, and they are “potentially threatening innocent lives”, experts warned. Their cases, along with those […]

Johnson plans UK defence and security shake up in wake of London Bridge attack

Boris Johnson plans the biggest shake-up in Britain’s security in 30 years in the wake of the London Bridge attack. It will mean linking up the armed forces with spy agencies, police and diplomats so they tackle threats from terrorists and international gangsters together. And Mr Johnson will personally take control of what he plans […]

Fleet Street Fox: The only b*****d around here, Boris Johnson, is you

Single mums never used to exist. Not because every mother was married, but because there were better, more descriptive, terms for them. Boris Johnson brands working class men 'drunk, criminal and feckless' in vile sneers After wars they were called "widows". To police they were "the victim". In divorce courts, more often than not, "the […]

Boris Johnson dismisses working class men as ‘drunk, criminal and feckless’

Boris Johnson dismissed workers as “drunk, criminal and feckless” in a rant that exposes his class hatred. The slurs, written when the PM was a journalist, emerged as he targets working-class votes. He dismissed working-class men as “likely to be drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless and hopeless”, and single mums as “irresponsible” in a sickening magazine […]

Labour to promise ‘investment blitz’ as it launches its regional manifestos

Labour is set to promise an "investment blitz" across England in an attempt to bring "wealth and power back to every community". The party is due to launch its regional manifestos later today, alongside further details of the party's £250 billion Green Transformation Fund. Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the announcement "will breathe new life […]

Varadkar: Murphy will top poll despite Isil comments row

Fine Gael believes Verona Murphy will top the poll after the first count in the Wexford by-election today, giving her a chance of a shock Dáil seat. Leo Varadkar has backed the Fine Gael candidate despite a controversial campaign where she repeatedly linked migrants in Ireland to Isil – remarks she later apologised for. The […]

Jeremy Corbyn’s son MOCKS poll as he defends disastrous Labour result

Tommy Corbyn posted a series of failed election predictions on social from the snap vote in 2017 – less than three hours after a YouGov poll indicated the Conservatives would storm to a 68-seat majority in 14 days time. On Twitter, Tommy shared screenshots from several news outlets, which predicted the then Prime Minister Theresa […]