Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


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Pelosi pursues articles of impeachment against Trump, says democracy at stake

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Warning that American democracy is at stake, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday she has asked a House committee to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, a historic step that sets up a fight over whether to oust him from office. Speaking in somber tones in […]

Chicken Boris Johnson still won’t commit to grilling from BBC’s Andrew Neil

Boris Johnson still won't commit to sitting down for a grilling from the BBC's political rottweiler Andrew Neil. Every party leader has agreed to take part in Mr Neil's series of interviews. But the Tory leader's team still haven't agreed to be interviewed by the veteran broadcaster before next Thursday's election. And asked by the […]

Factbox: Key quotes from U.S. House Speaker Pelosi's statement on impeachment

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday announced that House Democrats would move forward to impeach President Donald Trump by drafting formal charges known as articles of impeachment, saying the Republican president had “seriously violated the Constitution.” Below are some of Pelosi’s remarks: “Sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to […]

US House of Representatives to draft impeachment charges against Donald Trump

The US House of Representatives is to draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump over his effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate a political rival. Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced today she has instructed the House Judiciary panel to draft the articles. "The president's actions have seriously violated the constitution," Pelosi told reporters. "Our democracy […]

Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby slammed over selfie with Boris Johnson

This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby have faced fury online after posing for a chummy selfie with Boris Johnson . The trio were accused of 'cuddling up' after the Tory leader's live TV interview. Viewers had already expressed their discomfort with Mr Schofield's final question – where he asked Boris Johnson to "promise" […]

Election 2019: How does general election work? How to vote for your MP

A general election will be taking place on December 12, 2019, and millions of people are expected to head to the polls. This election is being closely watched, with the issue of Brexit hanging in the balance. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is hoping for a Conservative majority in this election, in order to break the […]

Mocked Abroad and Assailed at Home, Trump Returns to Face Impeachment

WASHINGTON — When times turn tough, presidents can hop on Air Force One to escape the country for a while and stride purposefully across the world stage. But the world stage was not so friendly this week for President Trump, who landed back in Washington on Wednesday night to confront a grim couple of weeks […]

Legal experts called by Democrats tell Congress that Trump's actions are impeachable

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Three legal experts told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate a political rival amounted to impeachable offenses, in a hearing that laid the groundwork for formal charges to be filed against the president. Watch the impeachment hearing live, click: here Democrats leading the effort […]