Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


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Iraq war veteran found guilty of murdering Britain’s Got Talent finalist

An Iraq war veteran has been found guilty of murdering Britain’s Got Talent finalist Simonne Kerr. Desmond Sylva, 41, stabbed his on-off girlfriend more than 70 times in a violent rage at his flat in Clapham, south London, in August last year. The couple, who originally met through dating app Tinder, had arranged to meet […]

What does it say about England when we fine and imprison homeless people?

Back in January, when temperatures were dropping, I led a debate in Parliament calling on the government to scrap the Vagrancy Act, an archaic piece of legislation that makes sleeping rough illegal and degrades homeless people. Today, Crisis have launched their report Scrap the Act: The case for repealing the Vagrancy Act 1824 and the […]

Brexit breakthrough: Why next Prime Minister should adopt THIS plan, according to expert

Conservative MPs will vote in a third leadership ballot this afternoon, with the results expected to be announced at 6pm. In yesterday’s round, Boris Johnson secured 126 votes, ahead of Jeremy Hunt, Michael Gove, Rory Stewart, Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab. The five remaining candidates clashed over Brexit and tax-cuts during a chaotic BBC debate […]

Mark Francois confronts stop Brexit protester – ‘we are signing your death warrant’

Brexit supporter and Conservative MP for Rayleigh and Wickford, Mark Francois, snapped as he was confronted by a Remain campaigner. Steve Bray, who is often overheard shouting ‘stop Brexit’ in the background of TV interviews at Westminster, approached Mr Francois. As the leading Brexiteer entered a building, he turned to Mr Bray delivering a stinging […]

Three Russians, one Ukrainian to face charges over 2014 downing of flight MH17

NIEUWEGEIN, Netherlands (REUTERS) – Three Russians and a Ukrainian will face murder charges for the July 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine in which 298 people were killed, in a trial to start in the Netherlands next March, an investigation team said on Wednesday (June 19). The suspects are likely to […]

BBC debate shame exposed: Labour staffer AND anti-Israel Imam quiz PM hopefuls

The public broadcaster has been left severely embarrassed after basic checks on two of those who quizzed the Conservative leadership hopefuls revealed the extraordinary background of those participating in the programme. One questioner, Aman Thakar, previously worked for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party investigating anti-Semitism, while another had made anti-Israeli remarks on social media. A letter […]

EU snub: How Boris Johnson savaged former European Commission President

The former Foreign Secretary received 126 votes from Tory MPs in the second round of voting yesterday and is highly likely to reach the last two. The final result will be decided by Tory Party members, a group in which Mr Johnson’s approval rating is very high. After the BBC Tory leadership debate last night, […]