Saturday, 28 Sep 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Asian Insider Podcast: Crash in global remittance deepens poverty in Asia

Asian Insider Ep 35: Crash in global remittance deepens poverty in Asia 21:57 mins Synopsis: Every Friday, together with our stable of 30 correspondents based around the world, The Straits Times gives an Asian perspective on the global talking points of the week. In this episode, The Straits Times’ US bureau chief Nirmal Ghosh hosts […]

242 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore, including 1 in the community and six imported

SINGAPORE – There were 242 new coronavirus cases confirmed as of Friday noon (Aug 7), taking Singapore’s total to 54,797. They included a community case which is a Singaporean and six imported cases who had been placed on stay-home notices upon arrival in Singapore, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Friday. Migrant workers living in […]

More celebration of home in online NDP posts this year, study finds

SINGAPORE – The Covid-19 pandemic has not dampened online activity surrounding this year’s National Day. On the contrary, National Day-related tweets have increased 2½ times when compared with the same period last year. Although a smaller proportion expressed positive emotions – 61 per cent this year in comparison to 66 per cent last year- negative tweets […]

Coronavirus rages in small-town India, and so does stigma

MEERUT, INDIA (AFP) – Sarthak Anand says his neighbours treated him like a “criminal” when he got the coronavirus, a common experience in India’s vast hinterland where the pandemic – and stigmatisation – are now raging. “Even though I have recovered fully, no one wants to come near me,” Anand, a government employee, told Agence […]

U.S.-China tensions hit European cyclical stocks

(Reuters) – European shares were trading largely flat on Friday after their Asian peers were hit by an escalation in U.S.-China tensions, but an upbeat earnings season and hopes of more stimulus kept most regional indexes on course for weekly gains. The pan-European STOXX 600 index opened lower before trading flat, with growth-exposed cyclical sectors like banks […]

China demand fuels German export, production rebound

BERLIN (Reuters) – Overall export demand, especially from China, helped Germany’s manufacturers recover from the shock of the coronavirus lockdown for the second month running in June, though output was still well below the level of a year ago. Industrial output from Europe’s largest economy grew 8.9% on the month, fueled in part by a […]

UK's Sunak: BoE forecasts show improvement, but hardship lies ahead

LONDON (Reuters) – British finance minister Rishi Sunak said on Friday the Bank of England’s new economic forecasts represented an improvement on the old ones, but he acknowledged that they show hardship lies ahead. On Thursday the BoE said the economy would not recover its pre-pandemic size until the end of 2021, slightly later than […]

US consulate in Hong Kong calls collusion claims 'ludicrous'

HONG KONG (AFP) – The US consulate in Hong Kong on Friday (Aug 7) said it was “ludicrous” to suggest its diplomats meeting with pro-democracy politicians could breach the city’s new national security law, a charge levelled in a recent Chinese state media report. Earlier this week, China’s state-owned tabloid Global Times ran a story […]

New box shields protect healthcare staff performing aerosol-generating procedures on Covid-19 patients

SINGAPORE – A hospital has come up with new box shields that offer added protection for healthcare workers performing high-risk aerosol-generating procedures on critically ill patients, including Covid-19 cases. The box shields will also help patients in life-threatening emergencies in the intensive care unit (ICU), with first responders able to use one to immediately provide […]