Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024


Asia News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Australia/New Zealand at…

Jakarta goes into less restrictive Covid-19 lockdown

A two-week, less restrictive lockdown was imposed on the Indonesian capital yesterday, in a last-ditch attempt by the country to curb the rapidly surging number of coronavirus cases. The new move is unlike the large-scale lockdown in April, when only companies in 11 essential sectors – including food, health, energy and finance – were allowed […]

PAS chief urges Malay-Muslim unity at next GE 'to save country'

The leader of Malaysia’s Islamist party yesterday urged its members to remain faithful to its cooperation with former political enemies Umno and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, as Malay-Muslim leadership is needed to helm the country. Speaking to about 400 delegates at Parti Islam SeMalaysia’s (PAS) annual congress in Kota Baru, Kelantan, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi […]

Philippines to prioritise coronavirus vaccine supply from Russia or China: Duterte

MANILA (REUTERS) – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte vowed on Monday (Sept 14) to prioritise buying Covid-19 vaccine to be made available by Russia or China, while taking a swipe at pharmaceutical firms of western nations asking for advance payment for their offers. Duterte has expressed optimism that the Southeast Asian country, which has recorded the […]

UN warns of 'further war crimes' in Myanmar's Rahkine

GENEVA (AFP) – Myanmar’s apparent continued targeting of civilians in the country’s Rakhine and Chin states could constitute additional war crimes and crimes against humanity, the UN rights chief said on Monday (Sept 14). Michelle Bachelet demanded action to remedy the serious rights violations suffered by Myanmar’s Rohingya minority in particular. Military operations in 2017 […]

South Korea charges former 'comfort women' activist with fraud, embezzlement

SEOUL (REUTERS) – South Korean prosecutors on Monday (Sept 14) indicted the former leader of an advocacy group for victims of Japanese wartime sexual exploitation on charges of fraud and embezzlement. Yoon Mee-hyang stepped down as head of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, better […]

India ex-student leader arrested for alleged role in Delhi riots

Umar Khalid arrested under anti-terror law for making a speech during nationwide protests against a citizenship law. A former student leader in India has been arrested for his alleged role in the deadly violence that broke out in the capital New Delhi in February, a move activists have dubbed “a witch-hunt exercise”. Umar Khalid, 33, […]

Retrenchments in Singapore more than double to 8,130 in Q2: MOM

SINGAPORE – Retrenchments more than doubled to 8,130 in the three months to June, according to Ministry of Manpower (MOM) data released on Monday (Sept 14). This was sharply higher than the preliminary estimate of 6,700 released in July, and brought the total number of job losses to 11,350 in the first half of the […]