Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Analysis & Comment

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Your Tuesday Briefing

China’s vaccines, Trump’s taxes, Zardari: Here’s what you need to know. By Melina Delkic Good morning. We’re covering a spending boom among China’s wealthy, revelations from President Trump’s tax records and how women are losing gains in the workplace during the pandemic. Is China’s vaccine safe? Chinese officials have begun to inoculate thousands of people […]

Opinion | The Revelations About Donald Trump’s Taxes

To the Editor: Re “President’s Taxes Chart Chronic Losses, Audit Battle and Income Tax Avoidance” (front page, Sept. 28): Kudos to The Times for breaking this story. With Election Day five weeks away, the American people now have the vital information that President Trump has been hiding for years and can judge accordingly as to […]

Trump’s Taxes

Want to get The Morning by email? Here’s the sign-up. Good morning. Biden keeps his polling lead. Child labor is surging around the world. And The Times publishes details of Trump’s finances. Even though taxes on wealthy Americans have fallen sharply in recent decades, most still pay a lot to the federal government. A typical […]

Opinion | In Praise of PBS, a True Democratic Institution

NASHVILLE — On Oct. 4, 1970, the Public Broadcasting Service entered the airwaves with an episode of “The French Chef.” I was not quite 9, too young for Julia Child and too old for “Sesame Street.” PBS became the television constant of my life anyway. I was still a child when I watched “The Six […]

Opinion | Congress Needs to Help Tenants and Landlords

More from our inbox: To the Editor: Re “Eviction Moratorium Won’t Cover the Rent for Tenants or Landlords” (The Upshot, Sept. 4): A recent evictions moratorium from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a temporary and incomplete remedy that only delays the devastating problems for both tenants and landlords. The American Bar Association […]

Opinion | The Rise of Remote Work Can Be Unexpectedly Liberating

In the initial months of the pandemic, remote work seemed full of upsides: more flexibility for employees and an expectation of greater profits, productivity and retention for their employers. But what if the long-studied benefits of remote work look different in a post-pandemic world? In particular, what if employee loyalty and engagement decrease once remote […]

Opinion | Trump’s Corona Coronation

“There won’t be a transfer, frankly. There will be a continuation.” That’s President Putin — I’m sorry, I mean President Trump — declining to assure Americans of a peaceful transfer of power after the November election. Does it get any clearer than that? Trump, in the fog of a pandemic, has opted for chaos. If […]

Opinion | What Do We Do When Everything Is Coming Apart?

If you’ll bear with me for a moment, I want to talk a little about the Missouri controversy of 1819 to 1821. On its surface, it was a struggle over the sectional balance of slave and free states. Would Congress admit Missouri without restrictions on slavery, or would it outlaw the institution in the territory […]

Your Friday Briefing

The Vatican, Donald Trump, Europe’s second wave: Here’s what you need to know. By Natasha Frost Good morning. We’re covering a surge in coronavirus cases in Europe, a suggestion of trouble over the peaceful transfer of power in the U.S. and a sudden resignation for an important cardinal. Hospitalizations lag in Europe’s second wave — […]

Opinion | If Trump Won’t Go, Then What?

To the Editor: Re “Trump Won’t Commit to Peaceful Transfer of Power” (news article, Sept. 24): Over the last four years, Donald Trump has redrawn the lines of decency, statesmanship and altruism so that now the page is blank, devoid of moral red lines that shouldn’t be crossed. He is pushing us to the brink […]