Saturday, 29 Jun 2024


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10,000 Guests at a Hasidic Wedding in Brooklyn? N.Y. Says No.

By Mihir Zaveri [Want to get New York Today by email? Here’s the sign-up.] It’s Monday. Weather: Mixed sun and clouds. High in the mid-60s. Alternate-side parking: In effect until Nov. 1 (All Saints’ Day). A wedding on Monday in Brooklyn could have brought up to 10,000 guests together near a New York coronavirus hot […]

Colorado Wildfire Grows Into Largest in State History

BOULDER, Colo. — She was driving back to her home in the Colorado mountains on Saturday when she saw the ominous plume swirling into the sky. In an instant, Jyoti Sharp’s mind went back to 2013, the last time she had been forced out by nature. Her home had been destroyed, as was much of […]

N.Y. Shuts Down Hasidic Wedding That Could Have Had 10,000 Guests

The ultra-Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn accused state officials of “unwarranted attacks” on the wedding. By Matthew Haag New York State health officials have taken extraordinary steps to shut down an ultra-Orthodox wedding planned for Monday that could have had brought up to 10,000 guests to Brooklyn, near one of New York City’s coronavirus hot spots. […]

Pompeo warns of sanctions for any arms sales to Iran

WASHINGTON (AFP) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Sunday (Oct 18) said that arms sales to Iran would breach UN resolutions and result in sanctions, after Teheran said the longstanding UN embargo on arms trade with the Islamic republic had expired. “The United States is prepared to use its domestic authorities to sanction […]

Amos Yee faces deportation if convicted of child porn charges

Singaporean blogger Amos Yee, 20, was charged with solicitation and possession of child pornography in an Illinois court on Friday, according to local media reports. Yee, who was jailed twice in Singapore, in 2015 and 2016, for wounding religious feelings, was granted asylum in the United States in 2017 and has been living in Chicago […]

Trump gaffe demotes France's Macron

WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Donald Trump likes to make fun of his rival Joe Biden’s verbal lapses but on Saturday (Oct 17) he made his own goof as he took a pot shot at French President Emmanuel Macron and effectively demoted him. Mr Trump’s error downgrading Mr Macron to prime minister came as he spoke […]

As the Coronavirus Surges, a New Culprit Emerges: Pandemic Fatigue

Exhaustion and impatience are creating new risks as cases soar in parts of the world. “They have had enough,” one U.S. mayor said of her residents. By Julie Bosman, Sarah Mervosh and Marc Santora CHICAGO — When the coronavirus began sweeping around the globe this spring, people from Seattle to Rome to London canceled weddings […]

‘White Supremacy’ Once Meant David Duke and the Klan. Now It Refers to Much More.

As July 4 and its barbecues arrived this year, the activist and former N.F.L. quarterback Colin Kaepernick declared, “We reject your celebration of white supremacy.” The movie star Mark Ruffalo said in February that Hollywood had been swimming for a century in “a homogeneous culture of white supremacy.” The director of the Metropolitan Museum of […]

At Least 3 Injured in Explosion at Virginia Strip Mall

At least three people were injured, two of them seriously, after an explosion and fire on Saturday morning at a Harrisonburg, Va., strip mall, the authorities said. The cause of the explosion was unknown, Michael Parks, a spokesman for the city, which is about 130 miles northwest of Richmond, said at a news conference. He […]