Tuesday, 4 Mar 2025

Troubles drifting off at night? Here are some tips on having a good night's sleep

SINGAPORE – Medical experts share a handful of tips that can get you a good night’s sleep during this circuit breaker period.

What to do during the day

– Have a clear demarcation between work areas and non-work areas at home if you’re telecommuting.

– Keep to the same work hours even if you’re working from home.

– If you need to raise an unpleasant issue with a household member or co-worker, do it early in the day.

– Get some sunlight during the day by, for example, sitting beside a brightly lit window when you work.

– Get some exercise to expend excess energy and increase your sleep drive at night. Avoid working out too close to bedtime.

– Cut down on smoking, alcohol, and caffeinated products such as coffee, tea and cola drinks.

– Avoid daytime naps. If you have to nap, limit it to 30 minutes or less.

What to do at bedtime

– Keep to a regular sleep-wake schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps your body develop a regular body clock.

– Establish a 30-minute bedtime routine, such as reading a book and putting on some light music, to help your body wind down.

– Keep the bedroom dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature near bedtime.

– Use the bed only for sleep and intimacy. Using it for other activities such as working or watching videos causes the brain to associate the bed with a state of wakefulness.

How to fight stress

– This period of uncertainty can cause stress for some people. Make time for relaxation and set aside time to do something you enjoy, like watching a movie online or listening to music.

– Limit consumption of Covid-19-related news if you find yourself worrying too much about the pandemic.

Source: Read Full Article

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