Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

Fans flock to the 5th annual London Comic Con

While Halloween may be just around the corner, a number of Londoners were dressed up for a different reason the weekend before the holiday.

London Comic Con made its fifth annual appearance at the Western Fair District’s Agriplex building for a self-described “pop culture celebration of awesomeness.”

A highlight of London Comic Con was its cosplay, in which guests dressed up in costumes designed to replicate characters from movies, video games, comics or any other form of pop culture.

Dressed up as Duff-Man from the Simpsons, James Flonders chose his outfit in order to stand out from the crowd of costumed characters.

“Everybody’s Marvel and D.C., which we absolutely love, but why (I) chose the costume is because nobody does it anymore,” said Flonders.

The Simpsons fan added that the rarity of his costume often reels in a bigger reaction than some of the more traditional outfits.

“It’s the greatest feeling for one day a year.”

James Flonders (left) poses alongside Todd Reid. The pair are dressed up as Duff-Man and Radioactive Man from the Simpsons, respectively.

For others, like Jason Van Dommele of Nerdful Things in Dorchester, Ont., Comic Con provides an audience perfectly suited to his business.

At a booth set up inside the Agriplex building, Van Dommele brought with him one of the two 3D printers responsible for creating all the products at his prop-building company.

“That 3D printer is one of the big focal points. A lot of people understand what it is but have not actually ever seen one run,” said Van Dommele.

“Something like (Comic Con) allows people to see what we do and know who we are.”

A number of Nerdful Things props sit beside the 3D printer responsible for their creation.

London Comic-Con wraps up on Sunday, but those looking to attend can still nab tickets at the entrance.

The closing day will feature appearances from Marina Sirtis of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Ted Raimi from Xena: Warrior Princess.

More costumes from Saturday’s convention can be found below.

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