Monday, 13 Jan 2025

World record confirmed, Manitoba snow maze is world’s largest

It is official. A snow maze built near St. Adolphe, Man. is the largest in the world.

A Maze in Corn began building a labyrinth of ice and snow on their corn field in December with a view to breaking a Guinness World Record.

The record was previously held by the Fort William Historical Park in Thunder Bay.

A spokesperson for Guinness World Records confirmed the new achievement by email.

“I am able to confirm that A Maze in Corn, Inc. currently holds the Guinness World Records title for the largest snow maze,” said Rachel Gluck.

The official Guinness record text reads as follows:

The largest snow maze is 2,789.11 m² (30,021 ft² 110 in²) and was created by A Maze in Corn, Inc (Canada) in St. Adolphe, Manitoba, Canada, and measured on 10 February 2019.

Maze owner Clint Masse said at the outset that the snow maze was a natural fit for their business.

“We’ve done a corn maze for so many years and a snow maze just looks like an awesome winter option.”

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