Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Feb 3

Virginia governor denies being in racist yearbook photo

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on Saturday (Feb 2) resisted mounting pressure from his Democratic party that he resign, denying that he appeared in a racist yearbook photo while admitting he once wore blackface in a dance contest.

Northam, who took office a year ago, said he would stay in his job.

“As long as I feel that I can lead, I will continue to do that,” he said.


Russia suspends nuclear missile treaty in tit-for-tat with US

Russia vowed Saturday (Feb 2) to develop “new types of weapons” as it suspended a Cold War-era nuclear missile treaty with the United States, which pulled back from the pact a day earlier, raising the spectre of a new arms race.

In a high-stakes tit-for-tat with US President Donald Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said: “Our American partners have announced they are suspending their participation in the deal, and we are also suspending our participation.”

And he said Russia would seek to develop medium-range missiles in response to what he said were similar projects in the US.


Egypt unveils Pharaonic tomb, home to 50 mummies


Egyptian archaeologists uncovered a Pharaonic tomb containing 50 mummies dating back to the Ptolemaic era, in Minya, south of Cairo, the ministry of antiquities said on Saturday (Feb 2).

The mummies, 12 of which were of children, were discovered inside four, nine-metre deep burial chambers in the Tuna El-Gebel archaeological site.

The identities of the mummies were still unknown, said Mr Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.


Maduro proposes new parliament vote as Venezuelans protest

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro proposed early parliamentary elections on Saturday (Feb 2), seeking to shore up his crumbling rule after a senior general defected to the opposition and tens of thousands thronged the streets in protest at his government.

As domestic and international pressure on Maduro to step down mounts, a senior air force general disavowed him in a video that circulated earlier on Saturday, expressing his allegiance to parliament head and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido.

The military’s support is crucial for Maduro, who is deeply unpopular, largely due to an unprecedented economic crisis that has prompted an exodus of millions.


Football: Higuain eases pressure on Sarri as Chelsea cruise

Gonzalo Higuain eased the pressure on Maurizio Sarri as the Chelsea striker’s first goals for his new club inspired a 5-0 demolition of Huddersfield on Saturday (Feb 2).

Blues boss Sarri had been under fire after Chelsea suffered their heaviest Premier League defeat for 23 years in a humiliating 4-0 loss at Bournemouth on Wednesday.

Amid reports the Italian is already in danger of the sack less than a year after taking charge, he was indebted to his old friend Higuain for lifting the gloom around Stamford Bridge.


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