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When was the Westminster 2017 attack, how many victims were there and how has the terrorist attack affected Parliament security?

PC Kris Aves was paralysed in the Westminster terror attack which killed five people and injured 50 two years ago.

Khalid Masood ploughed a 4X4 into crowds before he was shot outside Parliament. Here's what happened and what a group of selfless volunteers have done to help brave PC Aves.

What happened in the 2017 Westminster terror attack?

Police declared the attack outside Parliament in Westminster as a terrorist incident.

Masood mowed people down by driving a 4×4 vehicle on the pavement on Westminster Bridge, before crashing into the gates outside the Houses of Parliament.

He then ran into the Parliament compound, carrying two blades where he fatally stabbed a police officer.

The 52-year-old was shot by police and taken to St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, but later died.

By chance, the BBC were filming their fly-on-the-wall series Hospital in its A&E when Masood was brought in on a stretcher.

Following the attack, Westminster was immediately put on lockdown, with MPs told to remain in the main chamber or in their offices.

Police issued a list of no-go areas and ordered Transport for London to close Westminster Underground station.

The police officer who died was named as PC Keith Palmer, aged 48 and a husband and father.

How many people died in the London terror attack?

Six people died, including a policeman and the attacker, and dozens more were injured.

PC Keith Palmer, Mum of two Aysha Frade, American tourist Kurt Cochran and 75-year-old Leslie Rhodes were all murdered by the evil terrorist.

MP Tobias Ellwood – whose brother was killed in the Bali bombings – gave mouth-to-mouth to dying police officer PC Keith Palmer.

His family have thanked those paying tribute to the fallen PC, saying: "We have been overwhelmed by the love and support for our family, and most especially, the outpouring of love and respect for our Keith.

"We want to thank everyone who has reached out to us over the past few days for their kindness and generosity. The police have been a constant, unwavering support at this very difficult time.

"It has made us realise what a caring, strong and supportive family Keith was part of during his career with the police. We can't thank them enough.

"We would also like to express our gratitude to the people who were with Keith in his last moments and who were working that day. There was nothing more you could have done.

"You did your best and we are just grateful he was not alone. We care about him being remembered for his selfless bravery and loving nature.

"We miss him so much, but we are also incredibly proud of Keith."

Masood, also known as Adrian Elms, was fatally shot by a police officer after his killing spree.

How has DIY SOS helped Kris Aves?

In September, it was announced that TV show DIY SOS were to renovate his home in East Barnet.

Hundreds responded to a televised appeal to help make fix up his house for an episode which airs 8pm tonight on BBC1.

It means Kris can now put his kids – Tom, six, and Aoife, four – to bed for the first time since March last year.

He could not go home because his wheelchair could not navigate its large front step, as well as its narrow doorways and rooms.

In just nine days after the "biggest response ever", volunteers have completely modified his home, even fitting a stair lift.

'I'm not going to pretend we had to find an army," said the show's host Nick Knowles. "because the moment people knew what we were doing we had the biggest response ever."

He said the "amazing" volunteers worked tirelessly to allow PC Aves to return home to his family.

One volunteer said: "We want to give back to the people that protect us."

What did Theresa May say and where was the PM when shooting took place?

The Prime Minister led tributes to fallen hero Keith Palmer branding him "every inch a hero" and described him as a "wonderful dad and husband".

On the evening of the attack, Theresa May said: “The terrorist chose to strike at the heart of our capital city.

“The values our parliament represents – democracy, freedom, human rights, the rule of law – command the admiration and respect of free people everywhere.

Theresa May was seen in the voting lobby at the time of the attack.

She was bundled into a car 40 yards from the gates outside Parliament where shots were fired minutes after the incident occurred.

The PM was ushered out by at least eight armed undercover officers to her a black vehicle in Speaker’s Court, which then sped out of the Parliamentary estate to an undisclosed location away from Downing Street.

What is Parliament doing to its security following the London terror attack?

It emerged on March 26 that security services were aware of gaps in Parliament's security after a simulated attack ended with most MPs being killed.

A source quoted by the Sunday Times claimed a “table-top” exercise revealed four terrorists with automatic weapons could shoot their way into the House of Commons.

Questions are now being asked about why there were no armed cops posted to the vulnerable Carriage Gates when Islamist fanatic Masood ran through them brandishing two knives on Wednesday.

And when the attacker was eventually shot dead, it was not by officers assigned to guard Parliament – but by plainclothes protection officers assigned to Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon.

A security review is now expected to consider either stationing firearms officers permanently at the Carriage Gates or closing them entirely.

Officials are also set to examine whether to increase the number of electronically locked doors amid claims that, if Masood had not been killed, he could have reached the PM in the Commons via three unlocked doors.

On the official Parliament website, a range of security measures have been listed to prevent another atrocity.

Airport-style searches are in place are a number of items from knives to flags are banned.

Several MPs have warned Westminster should not be turned into a fortress.

"The idea that arming all police will be a panacea and a solution to this problem may well be mistaken," said Conservative MP Dominic Grieve.

"It is worth bearing in mind that in fact security wasn't breached. There was a tragic loss of life but in trying to breach security, he was stopped."

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