Monday, 17 Jun 2024

What is Theresa May doing now and is she still a Conservative MP?

THERESA May's time as Prime Minister came to an end on July 24, 2019, and she was reelected in the recent General Election.

She was forced to quit after her Brexit deal failed to win the backing of MPs – but what has she been up to since?

When did Theresa May stand down as PM?

Mrs May announced she was resigning as Prime Minister in a tearful statement outside 10 Downing Street on May 24.

She remained leader of the Conservative Party until June 7 and as a lame duck Prime Minister until July 23 when Boris Johnson took over.

On July 24, Mrs May addressed the public, saying: "I will continue to do all I can to serve the national interest, and play my part in making our United Kingdom a great country with a great future – a country that truly works for everyone."

Since then she has largely kept out of the public eye and kept silent about her successor’s handling of Brexit.

In her final days as PM, the cricket lover welcomed England’s victorious World Cup winning team to Downing Street.

I will continue to do all I can to serve the national interest, and play my part in making our United Kingdom a great country with a great future – a country that truly works for everyone.

What is Theresa May doing now?

Mrs May is a backbench MP for Maidenhead and has been carrying out her duties for her constituency since resigning.

Shortly after her election success it appeared Mrs May had buried the hatchet with her successor Boris Johnson.

They were all smiles at a party for the newly elected Tory MPs, and were seen putting their differences aside in a hug for the ages.

She used her first day back as a backbench MP to take a trip to Lord’s to see England play  Ireland in a one-off test match.

On September 8, Mrs May was snapped pointing at a pothole in her constituency with local councillor.

On September 9, Mrs May was accused of rank hypocrisy as she sprayed gongs to an army of former cronies and aides in a ‘resignation honours’.

Boris Johnson and Theresa May hug and make up to celebrate Tory win

Is Theresa May still a Tory MP?

Mrs May has been the MP for Maidenhead in Berkshire for the last 22 years.

Despite the ignominy with which her time as Prime Minister ended, she remains popular with her constituents.

At the last general election, she polled 64.8 per cent of the vote.

She was reelected in the December General Election and polled at 57.7 per cent of the vote.

Mrs May secured a 18,846 majority in her constituency.

What do prime ministers normally do when they're no longer in power?

When a prime minister loses power they can either stay as an MP for their constituency or retire from politics altogether.

When Gordon Brown resigned he wrote a book called Beyond the Crash about the 2007 financial crisis.

John Major started watching more cricket with this freetime.

David Cameron published a memoir in May 2019 about his time as the PM.

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