Monday, 23 Sep 2024

War fears explode as 16 Chinese fighter jets enter Taiwan’s airspace – island on alert

Taiwanese MP addresses possibility of invasion from China

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This afternoon Taiwan’s authorities revealed that 16 Chinese aircraft entered the country’s southwest air defence identification zone. The ADIZ is airspace over land or water in which the identification, location, and control of civil aircraft must be given to the relevant authorities – in this case Taiwan.

The country’s Ministry of National Defense confirmed the news this afternoon.

It tweeted: “16 PLA (People’s Republic of China) aircraft (J-16*10 and J-10*6) entered Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on November 6, 2021.”

Of the 16 aircraft, 10 were Shenyang J-16’s fighter aircraft.

The remaining six were Chengdu J-10 fighter jets.


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