Thursday, 13 Mar 2025

Vancouver Coastal Health issues botulism warning over Richmond-made sauce

Vancouver Coastal Health has issued a public warning about a locally-made sauce which could cause botulism.

The health authority said investigators have discovered that Betty’s King Sauce, sold in six-ounce jars, is being prepared in a Richmond home, which is not an approved or inspected facility.

It added that the ingredients being used and the processing method could allow for the growth of Clostridium boltulinum, the bacteria that produces a toxin known to cause food-borne botulism.

The sauce has been marketed online through Instagram and Facebook accounts, as well as a website, dating back to 2014, according to VCH.

No illnesses have been linked to Betty’s King Sauce so far, the health authority said.

However, it says the processor has been advised to cease production, and that anyone who has the product at home should throw it away.

Botulism is an extremely rare bacterial illness, but can be potentially lethal.

Vancouver Coastal Health warns that food contaminated with the toxin might not look or smell spoiled. However, if ingested, it can cause nausea, vomiting, fatigue, respiratory failure or paralysis.

It says people who contract botulism usually display symptoms 12 to 36 hours after consuming the contaminated food.

Anyone with concerns or questions can call Vancouver Coastal Health’s health protection division at 604-233-3147.

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