Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

US Capitol Police officer DIES from riot injuries becoming the fifth fatal victim of MAGA chaos at Trump rally

A US Capitol Police officer injured on Wednesday when Trump supporters rioted at the Capitol has reportedly died.

The cop's death, which CNN reported Thursday night based on three sources, is the fifth in the violent protests that sought to prevent Congress from certifying President-elect Joe Biden's win.

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Trump supporters pushed through barriers around the perimeter of the Capitol around 1pm ET on Wednesday, and skirmishes ensued with officers in riot gear.

Some MAGA fans called the officers "traitors" for standing their posts.

About an hour-and-a-half later, the protesters had entered the Capitol building, according to police.

Police and protesters engaged in an armed standoff at the entrance of the House chamber around 3pm, with cops drawing their guns at an individual who was trying to break through.

The four other people who died and have already been identified are Ashli Babbitt, 35, Roseanne Boyland, 34, Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was shot in the chest by a Capitol Police officer after she climbed into the building through a window.

Boyland's family in Georgia said she was trampled in the Rotunda, after police said she might have been crushed in the mob.

Greeson, who had high blood pressure, had a heart attack and fell to the sidewalk.

Phillips, a computer programmer who started the website Trumparoo for President Donald Trump's fans to talk, died of a stroke.

More to follow…

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