Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

UN tries to restart Syria talks after regime advances

A week after US missile attacks on Syria, the conflict between the US and Russia appears to have calmed, but rebel enclaves continue to fall to the Assad regime as the UN pushes for peace talks.

    Syrian rebels have reportedly agreed to withdraw from their last stronghold near the country’s capital. It is in the south of Damascus and includes the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. The area has been divided between rebels and ISIL. While the rebels are said to be moving out, there is no word yet on what ISIL will do.

    And as more rebel territory falls to Syria’s government, the UN is trying to re-start talks that it hopes will lead to peace. Any new negotiations would see the regime, and its allies, in a stronger position than ever.

    Al Jazeera’s Rory Challands reports from Moscow.

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