Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Trump’s aides need to stay and stop the crazy

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President Trump’s utterly disgraceful, utterly selfish finale

Letters to the editor — Jan. 8, 2021

What America needs now to start healing is two weeks of calm. Sane staffers at the White House are crucial to help prevent another descent into chaos as they work to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition to the next administration.

So, please, don’t follow Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao in resigning over Trump supporters’ disgraceful attack on the US Capitol. Nor others like former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s deputy press secretary and the first lady’s chief of staff.

We get their sentiments, but the country needs more voices of reason with the president’s ear, not fewer — and fewer enablers stoking Trump’s worst instincts.

That means the lawyers egging on “stolen election” rhetoric must depart. Sidney Powell is exploiting this lunatic cause just to make a name for herself. Rudy Giuliani has a lot to be proud of over a long career, but he’s destroyed that reputation. He told the crowd gathered Wednesday morning, “Let’s have trial by combat.” Hours later, some in that crowd were doing combat with Capitol Police.

Members of the administration should focus on their real jobs as they pass the reins of power to Team Biden — anyone who can’t do that should leave.

Peter Navarro is the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, with major duties overseeing the anti-pandemic effort; he has no business telling Vice President Mike Pence to ignore his constitutional duty and continuing to stir up the president with his focus on supposed election fraud.

Don Jr.: Get out of town; go hunting, we guess (though try not to kill any protected species).

The best thing for President Trump, and the nation, is for the final two weeks of his administration to be a peaceful one. Please.

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