Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Trump: You want my taxes — talk to my lawyers

President Trump said Thursday that Democrats who are demanding his tax returns will have to deal with his lawyers.

“They’ll speak to my lawyers, they’ll speak to the attorney general,” Trump told reporters during an unrelated press event in the Oval Office.

He reiterated the answer again, word for word, when pressed by the reporter for a second time.

“They’ll speak to my lawyers and they’ll speak to the attorney general,” he repeated.

Democrats are using a near-century old, Teapot Dome-era anti-corruption measure that allows Congress to request the tax returns of any filer to order the IRS to produce the president’s returns.

Trump is the first president since Nixon who did not voluntarily release his returns while running for public office.

He has constantly refused requests to do so, claiming the returns are under “audit.”

On Wednesday, Trump said that until he’s no longer being audited, he “would not be inclined” to release his tax returns.

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