Wednesday, 5 Mar 2025

Teenager stripped naked and testicles STOMPED over $100 drug debt

Teen is stripped naked, threatened with rape and has his testicles STOMPED on during terrifying kidnapping – all over a $100 drug debt

  • Billy Collison, 23, Lauren Sommer, 23 and Steven Garratt, 31, kidnapped the teen
  • Collison was sentenced to just 18 months in jail, but has served almost all of it
  • Garratt will be released on Monday after serving all of his year-long sentence
  • Sommer failed to even turn up at court amid claims she may have Covid-19
  • The three kidnapped and brutalised their young victim over a petty debt  

A teenager who was stripped naked, threatened with rape and had his testicles stomped on over a petty drug debt now lives in fear for his life. 

The 19-year old, whom Daily Mail Australia has chosen not to identify, had made the mistake of agreeing to buy methamphetamines – the deadly drug known as ice – for his supposed mates Billy Collison, 23, Lauren Sommer, 23 and Steven Garratt, 31. 

Provided with $100 by Garratt and loaned his bicycle to collect a quantity of the drug from a local drug dealer in Wangaratta – in Victoria’s north – the teenager panicked and used all of the drugs himself upon realising Garratt’s bicycle had been stolen. 

Lauren Sommer, 23, burnt a teenager’s face with a jet lighter before stomping on his testicles after he used all of her drugs 

Livid with the teenager’s failure to produce the drugs, and his bike, Garratt contacted Collison and Sommer with a plan to kidnap him. 

What happened next was the stuff of nightmares, with the teen forced into Sommer’s vehicle and taken on a drive into the bush. 

On Monday, the County Court of Victoria heard Collison brutally bashed and robbed the teen before Sommer’s stopped at a remote location within the Warby Ranges.

It was there he was ordered to strip off at knife-point and Collison ordered him to bend over a log and threatened to rape him. 

After menacing him for a while, the court heard the teen was bundled back into the car and taken to Sommer’s house where his terrifying ordeal continued. 

During the ride, one of the offenders forced the victim’s wet socks into his mouth. 

The court heard Sommers took to her victim’s face with a jet lighter before crushing his testicles under her boot. 

‘That’s for ripping off Steve. He’s like a brother to me,’ she barked. 

The teen was threatened with death and warned if he went to the cops he faced another ruthless beating. 

Upon checking out of hospital, that’s exactly what he did. 

Detectives swooped on the three drug fiends days later, with only Sommer being released on bail. 

Billy Collison, 23, stripped off his young victim and threatened to rape him after a drug deal went wrong 

That was on July 7 last year. 

With time already served, Collison had spent 523 days behind bars awaiting his sentence on Monday. 

Garratt was eventually granted bail after serving 392 days behind bars. 

Judge Mark Dean described the attack as ‘cowardly’ and ‘irrational’. 

‘(The Victim) was subjected to a prolonged and no doubt terrifying ordeal,’ he said. 

‘It is plain … that your offending has had a deeply traumatic effect upon him and he continues to be fear of all of you.’

Kidnapping in Victoria carries a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison. 

Billy Collison, 23, will likely walk free in just weeks after spending most of his sentence on remand in custody 

Both Garratt and Collison pleaded guilty to the charge, with Collison also pleading guilty to intentionally causing injury and robbery. 

The court heard Collison had a shocking history of violence, with four prior court appearances over violent offences. 

Judge Dean sentenced him to three years in jail, with a non-parole period of 18 months. 

With time served, he is likely to be free within a month. 

Garratt was sentenced to a year in jail, which has already been more than served. 

He will now be released and must complete an 18-month community corrections order. 

Sommers, who was scheduled to be sentenced on Monday, failed to even show up, claiming she was suffering from symptoms of Covid-19. 

An annoyed Judge Dean contemplated issuing a warrant for her arrest before adjourning her sentence until February. 

Source: Read Full Article

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