Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Starving dog Tiggy left for dead in field makes rapid recovery

A lurcher who was skin and bone and left for dead with barely a hair on her body is making a dramatic recovery.

Tiggy was found starving in a field in Blyth, Northumberland, but she is battling back thanks to a special diet and plenty of loving care from Berwick Animal Rescue Kennels (BARK).

The hunt is still on to find out how the dog ended up in such a desperate state but thousands of people have rushed to donate and she is putting on weight.

BARK’s website said: “Tiggy is putting weight on daily and is filling out, she doesn’t like she’ll break if you touch her, she doesn’t need her jumpers on during the day in the house (still insists on her PJs at night though).

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“She is jumping up when she shouldn’t and she is showing interest in playing.

“It is safe to say she is 100% house trained. Now happily going out into the garden and even choosing to stay out to have a mooch about.

“She is responding to her name and eagerly running (yes running) when called.”

Donations for the poor pooch have now reached over £3,500 after putting the option to give money on Tiggy’s Facebook posts.

The BARK website continued: “We had been asked to put a donate button on one of Tiggy’s Facebook posts.

“We had chosen not to do this originally as Tiggy will get what she needs regardless of any donations and we didn’t want to risk her story not getting shared.

“The absolute priority was to get information on who did this to her.

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“The number of requests were overwhelming so we did post her update last night together with a donate button.

“Tiggy has brought quite a few tears to everyone who has met her or followed her story but this morning was one of those lost for words moments when donations to BARK reached over £3,500.

"Donations of coats, food, toys, beds the list goes on for her have been coming thick and fast and again we've been unable to respond to all of them yet but a huge thank you, we hope you forgive us for any delay in getting back to you.

"Cash donations have been coming in by other means to people paying amounts off our vet bill to other forms of cash coming in and fundraising events galore.

"It really has been incredibly overwhelming and we cant not thank you enough for supporting not only Tiggy but BARK."

Animal welfare officers from Northumberland County Council described Tiggy's story as a shocking and inexcusable case of neglect.

An appeal was launched to trace Tiggy's owners and find out what had happened.

Source: Read Full Article

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