Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Sri Lanka MP calls for burka ban to stop terror attacks

The Islamic State (ISIS) militant group has claimed responsibility for the coordinated attacks on three churches and four hotels on Easter Sunday. The terror organisation yesterday released a video through its AMAQ news agency showing who it claimed were the eight suicide bombers. If the ISIS connection is confirmed, it would be the deadliest ever such overseas attack linked to the group.

Professor Ashu Marasinghe, who is a member of the United National Party, put forward to parliament a motion to ban the Islamic veil.

Mr Marasinghe claims the burka has been used “around the world” by individuals to hide their identity and carry out acts of terrorism.

Upon submitting the private member’s motion, Mr Marasinghe suggested the veil was “not a traditional Muslim attire” and posed a security risk.

In a letter, which has been shared on Facebook, he said: “Accordingly, considering the national security I propose to ban the burka.”

However it is not thought at this stage that any of the bombers wore burkas during the attacks.

Sri Lanka held a national day of mourning on Tuesday as the country’s prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe warned that suspects armed with explosives could still be at large.

As the country paid its respects, the inquiry into what the intelligence services knew about the attack continued.

Ruwan Wijewardene, minister of defence, said “weakness” within Sri Lanka’s security apparatus led to the failure to prevent the nine bombings.

He said: “By now it has been established that the intelligence units were aware of this attack and a group of responsible people were informed about the impending attack.”

The president Maithripala Sirisena went further, saying that officials who failed to share information would face “stern action”.

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